"We are preparing the ultimate program": Pavel Filippov about the upcoming SOLARGROUP conference

"We are preparing the ultimate program": Pavel Filippov about the upcoming SOLARGROUP conference

To recap, the congress center of the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow" will host the SOLARGROUP International Conference on August 6.

The speakers include Pavel Filippov, head of advertising and public relations. In the video, he shares the details of what awaits you at the event. 

"It's really going to be an international event. The participants will come from Africa, Europe, Asia, Latin America, Russia and neighboring countries. There will be an opportunity not only to see some old acquaintances, but also to talk to new people with whom you share a lot of common interests. You will certainly establish new business and personal contacts. There will be special time and conditions for informal communication."

The SOLARGROUP conference is also an opportunity for you:

• to see the progress of the "Sovelmash" engineering center construction,
• to find out the latest news and achievements of the project,
• to test the vehicles with "Slavyanka",
• to get your questions answered by the project's top officials,
• to see the "Sovelmash" patents and other companies' documents,
• to communicate with like-minded people, project investors and partners. 

The conference attendance is strictly limited to the capacity of the hall - only 350 people will be able to participate in the event. 285 tickets have already been sold.

Learn more about the conference and register by following the link.