Cancer medication, refrigeration equipment and electronics for the ISS: what the "Alabushevo" neighbours of "SovElMash" produce

Cancer medication, refrigeration equipment and electronics for the ISS: what the "Alabushevo" neighbours of "SovElMash" produce

The "SovElMash" design and engineering technology department will be built in the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow", on its largest and most state-of-the-art site "Alabushevo". This site is located in the Zelenograd administrative district of Moscow and covers an area of over 140 hectares. Apart from "SovElMash", 26 other companies are residents of the capital's technopolis in "Alabushevo". Some of them have already started work on the territory of the SEZ, including the leased premises, while the others are only starting to build their plants.

The residents include both enterprises with a history exceeding a dozen years and relatively young innovative companies.

Pharmaceuticals and medical equipment

One of the top-priority areas of "Alabushevo" development is pharmaceutical production. On the Zelenograd site, there are several companies that are engaged in the development and production of pharmaceutical drugs and medical products. Previously, only imported similar products were available to Russians. This way, the state program of import substitution is being implemented in the healthcare sector.

The company BIOCAD produces original and generic drugs that are used for treating cancer, autoimmune and infectious diseases.
The construction of another pharmaceutical plant in Alabushevo — belonging to "R-Opra" — began last year and will be completed in 2023. The enterprise will also produce high-demand pharmaceutical products, most of them are not currently manufactured in Russia. The pharmaceuticals will be delivered to prevention and treatment medical facilities in Moscow, regional health care institutions and pharmacies around the country.

Another resident of the Zelenograd site, the company "TVK", develops, creates and implements water, air and surface disinfection systems based on modern ultraviolet technologies, while conducting its own scientific research. The creator of the first Russian blood glucose meter, the "ELTA" company, also operates in "Alabushevo".

Space and security systems

Zelenograd produces not only medical products, but also implements high technologies in other areas. For example, the company "Electroninvest" develops and mass produces functional devices for secondary power supply systems, which are used, among other things, in the onboard spacecraft equipment.

The International Space Station uses technological solutions in the field of local positioning and navigation developed by "RUKEP", which is also a resident of "Technopolis "Moscow" on the "Alabushevo" site.

Lighting equipment for passenger, transport and combat planes and helicopters as well as manned spacecraft will be produced in Zelenograd. This will be carried out by the Scientific Research Institute of Microdevices, the leader of the Russian market in this area.

Not only Russia, but the whole world uses anti-terrorist security systems that are produced by one of the "Alabushevo" residents, LLC "Diagnostics-M". The equipment is used in major airports, railway stations, by postal and customs services, in stadiums and other facilities. The company develops and produces innovative search and inspection and X-ray equipment.

Other innovative products

We have told you only about some of the companies that will work side by side with "SovElMash". There are a lot of innovative enterprises among the other residents too.
For example, several SEZ residents are engaged in the development of cloud storage systems. "Alabushevo" will host producing high-tech temperature measuring devices, refrigeration and fire-fighting equipment, carbide saws, integrated circuits for various applications and other high-demand innovative products.

You can find the list of the "Alabushevo" residents on the official website of "Technopolis "Moscow" —

Innovations by "SovElMash"

To recap, "Technopolis "Moscow" is one of the best technology parks not only in Russia, but also worldwide, which has been noted in the latest rankings of special economic zones. Only those companies that produce innovative and high-demand products operate here. The "SovElMash" D3333E, whose construction is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2022, will develop induction electric motors that have no rivals in the world in terms of energy efficiency, power and durability. Currently, combined winding motors are becoming more and more popular, and their widespread implementation can solve the problems of saving energy resources and environmental pollution on a global scale.

The project "Duyunov's motors" offers everyone to become a co-owner of the future innovative enterprise, support the "Slavyanka" technology and the team of developers, as well as earn profit from their investments.

Invest in "SovElMash" with the greatest profit at the funding stage 14, that is, until December 30 inclusive. After going to the next stage, the price of investment shares will increase.