Latin America in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Latin America in the project "Duyunov's motors"

The project "Duyunov's motors" is rightfully considered international, residents of all the world countries participate in it. One of the most dynamically developing regions in the project is Latin America. On October 2, the first national representative office of SOLARGROUP in the region opens in Peru. We'll explain why the project has all the grounds for further successful development in Latin America.

Growing interest in the project

Over the past 2 years, the number of residents of Latin American countries registered in the project has increased 5 times: there are now over 8,700 people in total. About 2,000 of them have invested in the project. The five most active countries in the region in terms of investment are Peru, Haiti, Ecuador, Mexico, and Bolivia.

Latin Americans are attracted by the same thing as the residents of other countries: the opportunity to become an investor in the "Sovelmash" innovative enterprise at an early stage of its development. Thanks to the crowd funding system, this is much more affordable and promising than traditional investment, which is especially important for residents of low-income countries. For them, the project is an opportunity not only to take care of their future financial well-being, but also to make money now thanks to the partner program. The number of people who have signed the partnership agreement with SOLARGROUP in Latin America is more than 2,000 people.

The environmental situation and the benefits of "Slavyanka"

Air pollution is one of the most pressing environmental problems in Latin America with about 80% of the population living in cities.
According to UNEP (the main UN body dealing with environmental issues), the transport sector is one of the main factors of poor air quality in cities, which annually leads to more than 300,000 premature deaths in America. With the support of UNEP and the governments of a number of Latin American countries, the focus is on the development of electric transport (for more details, see the link in the original source ).

Chile ranks second after China in terms of the share of urban electric transport and plans to carry out 100% electrification by 2050. Colombia abolished import tariffs on the import of electric cars, after which their number in the country increased tenfold. Brazil plans to increase the share of electric transport up to 60% by 2035.

Latin American countries are actively using "green energy". The share of renewable energy sources in the region is 2 times higher than the global average. At the same time, there is a problem of electricity shortage.
The "Slavyanka" technology, capable of significantly reducing energy consumption when used on a large scale in electric motors, will come in handy in Latin American countries.

Support of project investors

SOLARGROUP has created and is constantly improving the conditions that contribute to the popularization of the project in the region and ensure attracting new investors.

The main languages in Latin America are Spanish and Portuguese. Technical support works in these languages, weekly webinars are held, and the back office is available for all the project participants. The opening of a representative office in Peru, where Massimiliano Vivian Rossini is to become the national partner, will give an additional impetus to the development of the project in the country and the region.

Thanks to all these measures and the activity of SOLARGROUP's leading partners, the project is becoming more accessible and gaining ground in Latin America.

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