Week results in "SovElMash" project ("Duyunov's motors")

Week results in "SovElMash" project ("Duyunov's motors")

A new achievement of the "SovElMash" team and a profitable offer for the investors from SOLARGROUP. Find out the key project news for the last week.

The specialists of "SovElMash" have developed a new mounting solution that allows to integrate the hub motor into the suspension. In April 2020, the company applied for a patent for the invention. The experts of Rospatent (the Federal Service for Intellectual Property) examined the patentability of the invention based on the information obtained from the patent databases. Last week it became known that the company "SovElMash" had received the official patent search report and the decision to grant the patent. "SovElMash" has already paid the due state taxes and will soon obtain the patent itself.

The patent describes the general mounting principle for connecting the induction hub motor to the suspension that can be applied to various vehicles, including cars and heavy-weight equipment. The specialists of "SovElMash" also managed to solve the problem connected with the encoder that is used in conjunction with the hub motor.

However, the developers are not going to relax their efforts, they will continue improving the hub motor to make it as reliable and convenient as possible for the consumer.

More details of this news can be found here /news/posts/sovelmas-polucit-patent-na-princip-krepleniya-motor-kolesa-1580

The project investors have been granted the opportunity to restore their cancelled installment plans on the beneficial conditions, regardless of when the installment plan was cancelled!
To restore the installment plan, you only need to make one monthly payment, after which the payment schedule will be adjusted and you will be able to make the installment plan payments further, without any debts or restrictions.
Previously, the investor could restore their installment plan individually only if the entire amount of debt was paid immediately and if no more than 3 months had passed since the cancellation of the installment plan. According to the new special offer, there are no such restrictions.

The special offer will be available only at the current project funding stage 14. More information about the new conditions for restoring installment plans is available here /news/posts/specpredlozenie-vosstanovite-svoyu-otmenyonnuyu-rassrocku-na-lgotnyx-usloviyax-1577.

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