Week results in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Week results in the project "Duyunov's motors"

The measuring equipment for a large load bank will be installed earlier that the scheduled date in the "SovElMash" laboratory. It has become possible thanks to a prompt delivery from the European partners. "SovElMash" will be able to test higher power motors using the new equipment, including size 112 and size 132 electric machines which are partially ready now. Having completed work on DAT-100L6, Duyunov's team is switching to developing more powerful machines.

The company's specialists have found a solution to reduce the production cost of drive motors by replacing imported components with those designed in-house. It is feasible thanks to "SovElMash" facilities and resources that were established by means of crowd investment.

Very soon the results of the state expert review that the architectural and construction project of the innovative center is currently undergoing will come out. The team of "SovElMash" handed the revised documents to the experts. Next week, it will be known if the audit is completed or has to be extended, the latter cannot be ruled out.

Despite the pandemic and other complexities, "SovElMash" is taking every effort in order to pass the expert review faster and to start the innovative center construction.

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