Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

The main project events took place at the "Sovelmash" construction site. 

The laser unit was moved from the leased premises to the D&E's production area. The facilities of Research Institute of Precision Machine Manufacturing (NIITM) are virtually free of any equipment. 

The motor assembly area was established. Soon the commissioning and other activities will be performed here. 

The installation of interior partitions is nearing completion. The construction workers are now sealing the joints.

The construction workers were wiring the electricity inside the building and started cladding the chamber for the electrical transformers.

The formation of stairways continued. 

Preparations began in the office and amenity building to install interior partitions made of plasterboard. 

Work on the external engineering utilities was in progress outside the building. Installation of the water supply and sanitary sewerage was completed on the left side. The installation of the storm drainage system was underway.

About 300 of the freed-up road slabs are being prepared to be shipped for sale. 

The SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" has tightened control over the construction timeline, as required by the state. Now "Sovelmash" reports on the progress of work done on a weekly basis. The last meetings with the SEZ have approved the first production line at the D&E to be launched in the summer of 2023. 

Last week "Sovelmash" was holding talks with the potential customers almost daily. The company's products are actively sought after in Russia and abroad. This is yet another reason why the D&E should be completed as soon as possible. 

Your investments will help accelerate the construction and launch of the enterprise, bringing the time of getting dividends closer.