Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

During the week, the construction workers performed many tasks on and off the "Sovelmash" construction site.

• Earthwork was started to lay the heating utilities outside the "Sovelmash" site. The goal is to install the utilities in the next three weeks.

• The construction of the site for the climate control equipment was in progress. The builders waterproofed the cast concrete and began backfilling the foundation with sand.

• The installation of the airlock on the third floor was almost fully completed.

• The installation of interior partitions started on the first and second floors of the production building.

• On the second floor, the installation of doors began.

• Porcelain stoneware and adhesives were delivered in order to make the flooring in areas prone to moisture exposure: at the cold water and heat supply entry points, transport locks.

• Work started on the storm drainage system.

• Measurements of the elevator shafts were completed. A contract was signed with a factory producing elevators.

SOLARGROUP conference

On November 5, a conference with the top managers of SOLARGROUP Pavel Filippov and Pavel Shadskiy was held in Sofia.

Bulgaria is one of the ten most active countries by volume of investment in the project "Duyunov's motors" and the previous conference of a similar scale was held in the country just over a year ago. Therefore, the event got a lively response from the Bulgarian project participants. We will tell you more about the event in the coming days.

Recall that in less than a week, on November 12, a conference will be held on the occasion of opening a national representative office of SOLARGROUP in North Macedonia.

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