Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

The builders worked simultaneously on different fronts.

• The installation of external engineering utilities began. A temporary "warehouse" of sandwich panels and other materials was gradually being unloaded to conduct external utility lines.
• Concrete was poured for the cargo ramp, and the ramp surface was cemented.
• The concrete bedding is ready on the site for placing the climatic equipment. The waterproofing is underway.
• The penultimate "map" of the first floor in the production building was poured with a finish layer of concrete. The last "map" is scheduled to be cast next week.
• The construction workers began installing interior partitions on the second floor of the office and amenity building.
• The installation of the airlock began on the third floor of the building.

SOLARGROUP conferences

SOLARGROUP opens a national representative office in North Macedonia. To celebrate this event, the company's conference will be held in the country for the first time.

The event will be personally attended by the company's top managers Pavel Shadskiy and Pavel Filippov, head of the "Resurs" production cooperative Andrey Lobov, the national representative of SOLARGROUP in North Macedonia Vasko Popovski. As well as the investors and partners who are most commited to developing the project in this region.

The conference will be held on November 12 in Skopje. For details and registration, follow the link

On November 19, the largest SOLARGROUP conference will be held in India, the country where the largest number of investors in the project "Duyunov's motors" reside. Its participants will be able to personally communicate with the company's management, learn news about the project development and the funding results.

The conference will be held in New Delhi. The event details and registration are available here.

Earlier, on October 22, the SOLARGROUP conference was held for the first time in Surabaya, Indonesia. We will share our impressions of the event with you in the coming days. Follow our news!