Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motor"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motor"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction 

At the "Sovelmash" site in the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow", the construction workers were engaged in several lines of work at once. 

• Inside the building, the finish layer of concrete was poured for one of the most extensive "maps" of the first-level floor. 
• Formation of the reinforcing frame for the last D&E floor "map" started.
• Concrete was poured on the outside of the building for the vertical part of the loading ramp. Waterproofing was completed and sand backfilling started with layer-by-layer compaction. The builders began to form the reinforcing frame for the "upper slab".
• At the site where the climate control equipment would be located, the piles were backfilled with sand and the ground was compacted. Reinforcement cages were installed and concrete was poured into all of the asbestos cement pile pipes. 
• A temporary road was dismantled, which would enable the start of work with the external engineering utilities. 

The video from the construction site is available here

The construction pace is now directly dependent on the amount of money coming in. 

Forbes about "Sovelmash"

The world's leading business periodical Forbes published an article entitled "Innovations for Industry: "Sovelmash" Launches a New Type of Motors on the Market".

The article tells in detail about "Sovelmash", gives an introduction to the "Slavyanka" technology. Special attention is given to the crowdinvesting method of raising funds for the project development and engineering center construction. 

The article is available by following the link

SOLARGROUP representatives at the plant in Hanoi

The representatives of SOLARGROUP and its leading partners in Vietnam had a meeting in Hanoi with the management of the local electric motor manufacturing plant. The plant visited by the SOLARGROUP delegation is one of the two Vietnamese manufacturers of general-purpose industrial electric motors and one of the largest enterprises in the country. The plant managers took a very keen interest in the technology and expressed their intention to enhance their products by applying it. Watch the video for more details.

SOLARGROUP conferences 

The SOLARGROUP conference in Bulgaria has been announced. It will be held on November 5 in Sofia. The event will be attended by the company's top managers Pavel Shadskiy and Pavel Filippov, as well as the national representative of SOLARGROUP in Bulgaria Dimitar Dimitrov. 

For the project participants from Bulgaria, the conference is an opportunity to communicate with SOLARGROUP management, investors and partners from their country, to learn news and insider information about the project, and to see motors with the "Slavyanka" combined winding. Registration is open here

And today, October 16, the SOLARGROUP conference was held for the first time in Ho Chi Minh City. The event was attended by a full room of guests - investors, partners, and potential project participants. In the coming days, we will share the details of the event with you. Follow our news!