Harmony of thought and action | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Eduard Ritsmann

Harmony of thought and action | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Eduard Ritsmann

My name is Eduard Ritsmann. I live in Helsinki, Finland.

I have a degree in commerce and my profession is international business relations coordinator. That's what I've been doing all my life. Thus, before I met SOLARGROUP and joined the partner community, I had been very well aware of the alternative energy sector. And the opportunity to develop and implement the "Slavyanka" technology appealed to me the most.

Today the field of alternative energy is commonly referred to as the field of "green energy". I was fascinated by this topic when I found out about SOLARGROUP. The topic of new electric motors that have no analogues, their introduction and distribution in different countries really captivated me. After all, this is so similar to the common mission of all reasonable people, in my opinion - the idea of caring for our common home: the planet and its ecology. Whoever we are, wherever we are and whatever we do, each of us is totally dependent on nature, the environment and its condition. Now there is no need to explain to anyone the enormous significance of the transition to electric motors and fuel-free generators. These two areas are limitless in scope, territory and time of action, so it is important to implement and expand the project "Duyunov's motors" so that these technologies are used as widely as possible.

I joined this mission of SOLARGROUP from the first months of the project's existence. I listened attentively to all the first webinars, studied the provided technical framework. It inspired me. My thought, my idea and the company's mission came together - to preserve the planet!

Despite the fact that it was just the start of the project, I was immediately overwhelmed with hope, I was prepared to be patient and support Dmitriy Duyunov's team.

Then, step by step, from one result to another, my confidence in the technology strengthened and grew.

I followed everything closely, from the very first days: webinars, video reports by SOLARGROUP. With each video, each report on the work done for a certain period, I became more and more convinced of the professionalism the company's employees had.

I signed my partnership agreement with SOLARGROUP on one of the first days after the project launch. My profession helped me make the decision to participate in the project, to provide moral and financial support to the team of SOLARGROUP. I had already worked on projects with fuel-free generators and stations that pioneered these technologies. And I knew that these innovations always require patience, time and testing.

In order to support the project more actively, I started spreading the word in my close circle of acquaintances and friends. This became my main goal - to support the company in stable promotion of the project.

My commercial education, many years of practical skills and experience in marketing have enabled me to successfully engage in promotion. I started by giving presentations, offline and video ones. And I gradually expanded the coverage, increasing the number of potential partners on my first level.

Any unknown technology makes new listeners wary. Not everyone can believe and understand the significance and prospects of technological developments. Therefore, it was very important to explain in as much detail as possible and show all the marketing materials that were available.

Already during the first few weeks I was able to connect several people to these tasks, continued to consistently expand the circle. The SOLARGROUP partner program is perfect. The time and resources spent looking for new partners were fully rewarded. I was also helped by my work experience and skills, but most importantly - by the high-quality and professional technology presentation materials that SOLARGROUP provided.

I prepared several versions of presentations for this work, in electronic and hard copy versions, which allowed me to promptly, depending on the situation, conduct both short and long presentations, focusing on the interests of potential partners.

Most often an individual approach is necessary, because all people are different, their views and financial capacities are different. Therefore, people take the decision to participate in the project after an individual meeting, a face-to-face conversation, when they receive an explanation of all the details about the project. Also, in any business, especially in partner business and teamwork, it is always necessary to provide only true information. Any misrepresentation, uncertainty or omission of facts can lead to unforeseen circumstances, undesirable situations that will affect the final result.

I was engaged in the partner program of SOLARGROUP alongside my main activity. Thanks to the partner program, I was able to offset almost half of my monthly installment payments when I'd purchased an investment package. Moreover, I received from my mentor the basic, starter information about the project, which was necessary in the beginning, and then I acted on my own.

Now I use every chance I get to share information about the "Slavyanka" technology. After all, there are still so many people who will be hearing about it for the first time, they need to be informed.

"Duyunov's motors" and SOLARGROUP impress and inspire people not only with their mission. Simplicity, ease of participation in the partner program and financial support of the project, the obvious benefits are also of great importance. But most importantly, everyone has the opportunity to do business that changes people's lives and the environment around us.

I'm moving up the marketing plan career ladder, my results make me happy. I am always rewarded for the work done, the resources and time spent.

I am very grateful to the SOLARGROUP team for the opportunity to participate, support and implement such a remarkable technology that humanity needs.

I am also grateful to my entire partner structure for their mutual understanding, support and patience.