Electrical tools with Duyunov's motors: the plans of "Sovelmash" for production and sale

Electrical tools with Duyunov's motors: the plans of "Sovelmash" for production and sale

"Sovelmash" is contemplating the idea of producing in-house developed electrical tools using the "Slavyanka" combined winding technology. This was announced by Dmitriy Duyunov in the latest episode of the "Expert Time" program.

The developers of "Sovelmash" have been working on creating their own design of an angle grinder (UShM) and a miter saw. The tools are designed on the basis of combined winding motors with unique performance characteristics. In terms of energy efficiency, reliability, and noise level, they meet the modern requirements, including those applicable in the European Union.

Earlier, we demonstrated you the comparative operational tests of the standard and modified UShM 230/2100M. The video is available here https://youtu.be/oiavBAL9OXo . The tests show that the combined winding technology enables reducing machine weight and noise level, increases cutting speed and quality, and extends service life. The improved performance of the angle grinder (UShM) with "Slavyanka" increases productivity and the comfort level of operating it.

A great deal is ready to produce the tools.

The "Sovelmash" laboratory meets the accreditation requirements. The accreditation of the laboratory is necessary for the implementation of certification and ensuring the production. In order to ensure that the laboratory meets the requirements, a lot of work has been done that includes dividing the machine and operating areas, renting and equipping the additional premises.
An enterprise has been selected that is ready to supply "Sovelmash" with the equipment necessary to assemble and produce these items.
Preliminary agreements have been established with organizations that are engaged in selling electrical tools. The estimated batch size is 5,000 units, which will allow "Sovelmash" to ensure minimum production cost and a good profit.

After the company starts selling its own original products, it will be able to get substantial financial compensation from the state provided to reimburse the costs of development and production for innovative products. These funds will be used to construct the "Sovelmash" D3333E.