Money and superstition

Money and superstition

A horseshoe in your pocket, a broom with the handle down, a coin under the mat and a lucky banknote... And everyone must have seen the money cat with its abundant presence in social media.

It is known that money is the energy of abundance. And at all times people have believed that with the help of rituals this energy can be attracted into their lives. Politicians, successful businessmen, actors and investors have their own superstitious beliefs that they try to abide by. Money loves respect, and many people show respect for their finances "just in case" through rituals. So if you have superstitions too, don't worry, you're not alone! Millions of people have them, and in 2022 alone, the sales of esoteric literature increased by 53%.

By the way, Ludwig Wittgenstein explained long ago how money superstitions are related to our fears and why respecting superstitious beliefs is not something sacrilegious or ridiculous, but just a simple way to calm down.

We have selected 10 funny financial superstitions that modern people share with each other "in case it works". Let them cheer you up!

• Put a horseshoe in your pocket and carry it with you everywhere. It can be a souvenir if you can't find a real one. A horseshoe symbolizes wealth and fertility, because its shape resembles a bowl.
• Go to sleep rich. When you get any money coming in, don't rush to spend it or pay the bills right away. Money must endure the night with its owner.
• Put some coins under the mat and on the windowsill. Money should see right at the entrance that it is welcome in this house!
• Put a banknote under the tablecloth as well. Well, just to be sure. There will always be abundance on such a table!
• Take money in your hands as you pass under the bridge. Yes, every time you go under any bridge.
• Pick up a coin if it's lying in the street. It's a sign that money is rushing to you. And it will be offended by disrespectful treatment.
• Place all the brooms in the house handle down. There is no explanation. Simply put it that way just in case.
• Don't keep empty bottles in the house.
• Get a spider. In a financially prosperous home, a spider is a must!
• Pay with your left hand only!

"You're asking how I got rich? - says Warren Buffett. - I just didn't whistle in the house." Warren Buffett was back on Forbes' ranking in 2022! Fifth place this time, and we congratulate him on it. He might have been joking about whistling. But what if not 😊