"Battle of electric motors": how the motors will be tested in the innovative laboratory of the Russian Federation

"Battle of electric motors": how the motors will be tested in the innovative laboratory of the Russian Federation

Recently, chairman of the Central Council of the All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators VOIR Anton Ishchenko visited the innovative companies in Zelenograd, including "Sovelmash". During the visit, Anton Ishchenko proposed to hold the "Battle of Electric Motors" in Zelenograd under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation — to test the motors made by "Sovelmash" and other manufacturers under the same conditions and compare their performance parameters.

The article about this event was published in the "41" newspaper, issue 29 as of July 30, 2021 on page 11: https://sovelmash.ru/upload/publications/41oz29.pdf

As you know, "Sovelmash" is engaged in developing electric rotating induction machines with the combined winding "Slavyanka" and these electric motors will be compared with the standard ones.

In the new video, Yana Teplova, the employee of the "Sovelmash" high-precision testing laboratory, will tell in detail about how and where the tests are to take place, what motors can be tested and about the other nitty-gritty details of the "battle". Head of the information and analytics department Alexander Sudarev will show what electric motors "Sovelmash" will present for comparison. Traction, general-purpose industrial electric motors, as well as those used in angle grinders (UShM) will take part in the comparative tests.

For more details, watch the video!