7 countries, 20 live meetings about the project: what the offline activity was like in April

7 countries, 20 live meetings about the project: what the offline activity was like in April

The partners of SOLARGROUP continue to introduce the project "Duyunov's motors" to the world in a variety of formats, one of them is live meetings. In a number of countries they are held monthly or even weekly.

In April, there were about 20 meetings dedicated to the project in Africa and Latin America.

In those countries where the national representative of SOLARGROUP is Gilles Weber, 16 offline events took place in April: 

  • Côte d'Ivoire — 6, 
  • Cameroon — 4, 
  • Benin — 3,
  • Togo — 2, 
  • Senegal — 1.

Three meetings were held in Colombia, where SOLARGROUP opens a national representative office in May. The national partner in this country is Elena Lozada.

Another meeting was held in Peru by the national partner Massimiliano Vivian Rossini. 

Despite the convenience of the online format, in-person events have a special value and atmosphere. This is live communication between the investors, partners and new project participants. They can discuss their concerns about the project and get answers to their questions from SOLARGROUP's national partner in their country. Find out the news and understand how the project is developing and how the D&E construction is progressing. And also see the combined winding motor "Slavyanka" DA-90S first-hand.

Offline meetings are most valuable where there are disruptions in the quality and speed of the Internet connection. For the residents of these countries, such events are one of the main sources of information about the project.