Questions & Answers / What prevents you from selling already completed motor developments?

Questions & Answers / What prevents you from selling already completed motor developments?

The question of why the company does not sell the existing original inhouse-developed motors is quite popular among the project participants.
We can answer it by specifying several reasons.

First, the company's goal is to create a design and engineering department (D3333E) that will develop induction electric motors with combined winding rather than mass-produce them. "SovElMash" will receive income as a result of selling its intellectual property.

Second, "SovElMash" strives to sell the development as a whole, including setting up the production. At the same time, companies often receive offers of a different kind: buyers want to produce motors using the "Slavyanka" technology and pay a fee to the developer for each sold motor. However, this scheme can be unprofitable for "SovElMash" and for the investors too because it is not possible to control and plan the profit.
Dmitriy Duyunov spoke in more detail about the second reason.

Watch his explanation in the video. "We ran product development risks, the investors ran and continue running risks, and someone has to pay for it. If they are not ready to pay for it, then I can guarantee that they are not ready to produce motors either."
Working with serious customers who understand the value of the development and pay a lot of money for it is another thing. A lot of countries highly value the work of developers and try to support their own domestic developers. One of the tasks "SovElMash" has is to prove to both foreign and domestic potential customers that our technology, our final product, is the best in the world in the field of motor engineering.
This is what the company's partner Victor Arestov is doing by popularizing "Slavyanka" abroad.

It is also necessary to build and launch the innovative center, since only its capacities can enable full-fledged motor development.
Do you agree with this approach of "SovElMash"? Share your opinion in the comments!