Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

The "Sovelmash" D&E construction site was busy all week long.

Broken temporary road slabs and blocks, as well as soil contaminated with organic and construction waste were removed for recycling. So was excess soil from the installation of engineering networks.

The engineering network trenches were backfilled with sand.

Vertical levelling of the site was in full swing.

A chamber for introducing water supply into the building was cast.

The heating pipes, with trays already laid across the site, were being welded actively.

The installation of the ground loop started.

The interior of the building was being cleaned. The remains of packages, pallets, lumber and packaging were being removed. Hoovers were used to remove dust from partitions and metalwork. The floor and windows were being cleaned.

The stator assembly line was being commissioned. The tooling was installed to produce a pilot batch of size-100 motors.
Despite the ongoing installation and commissioning work, the first tests and trials are already underway in the laboratory.

Some of the mezzanines have been screeded. The finishing work on installing the partition walls is now in progress there.

Finishing work and tiling on one of the seven flights of stairs has been completed. The other six ones are at various stages of completion.

In the office and amenity building (O&A), a metal frame for the glass partitions was being installed.

The installation of elevators is nearing completion.

Materials for laying the low-current mains inside the production building have been delivered.

The general contractor's headquarters have moved from a trailer to one of the prepared premises of the production building. The headquarters of the existing subcontractors are also moving.
All the construction trailers are being prepared to be removed from the site. They will be replaced by utility lines and landscaping work.

Work was carried out on connecting and routing the power cables for the equipment.

All low-current power supply networks in the O&A building have been installed and connected in distribution cabinets. The electrical wiring for the lighting has also been installed.

The delivery of materials required to install the heating system in the office and amenity building is in progress.

An automatic fire extinguishing unit has been ordered.

Estimates have been approved and prepayments have been made for installing outdoor communication networks.

This scale and pace of the construction progress has become possible thanks to the activity of the investors and partners! It is important to maintain the project's funding level in order to complete the D&E as scheduled.

We remind you that the project is running a number of new offers for this:

Minus 1 stage for child packages

Friendly bonus

Starter bonus

There are also other offers for investors and partners. You can learn about them by following this link.

Solar Race 2023 started in Kazakhstan on June 11. A solar-paneled tuk-tuk with a DA-90 combined winding electric motor participates in the event.

The car was prepared for the race by the "Resurs" production cooperative. The vehicle is piloted by project investor Vladimir Popov.

The competitors will have to cover 2,700 kilometres in 16 days in extreme heat.

Follow the race on the channel.

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