Everything we've built up for now stays with us, no matter what happens | Story of partner Ishaku Marley

Everything we've built up for now stays with us, no matter what happens | Story of partner Ishaku Marley

My name's Ishaku Marley. I live in Nigeria and am a national partner of SOLARGROUP.
 I graduated with a degree, became a specialist in urban planning, and also completed my master's degree and post-graduate studies. I worked as a realtor.
 I was introduced to the project "Duyunov's motors" and SOLARGROUP in May 2020. I was interested in other technology-related projects and happened to see information about SOLARGROUP on Facebook. That's how I met Aleksandr Manzhula who told me more about the project: why it is interesting, how it can help his country and other countries, and how the project will help fight poverty, among other things. Now most people in Africa are engaged in farming, agriculture, they often have very poor electricity supply. The industry is also poorly developed. Therefore, I decided that this was a project that my country really needed.
 I purchased an investment package and began to meet people from SOLARGROUP. I joined the general online meetings with Pavel Filippov. I studied the product and the technology.
 Despite the low level of education and the fact that most of the population is engaged in farming, in Nigeria people check everything carefully and do their own research. I did the same thing: before placing my trust, I studied the project, "Sovelmash", and the activities of Dmitriy Duyunov. I compiled all the facts and saw that the technology was promising. And when I became the national partner, each online meeting gave me even more confidence. And I pass this confidence on to the leaders of my structure. I know how to work with people's doubts and convince them that this is not a pyramid scheme, I know how to prove the validity of the product and the efficiency of the company. Because I've been through it myself. And people can see and touch the motor at the events held in Nigeria. This also builds confidence in the company.
 Once I studied the project, I had no doubt that SOLARGROUP would be a success in Nigeria.
 Working with SOLARGROUP immediately became my priority, although I still work as a realtor. I continued investing in the project, bought two packages: $7,500 and $5,000. But beyond the investment, I was more interested in the technology. I immediately started telling my friends about the project with great enthusiasm. I infected everyone with this enthusiasm! I talked to a lot of people in my first week. And now I try to talk to at least one person every day about the project and the company.
 My team and I hold our own in-person seminar every two weeks, where we enroll 18-20 people. We also hold seminars with the leaders of the structure, my leaders themselves distribute information about the project. In less than a year, my structure has grown enormously, and the statistics I keep show steady growth.
 It's hard for me to calculate how much time this job takes. Saying 2 hours, 3 hours, 5 hours a day would be lying. It's not easy being a national partner because I have to lead people, answer all their questions every day. For example, people often call me and try to introduce me to new potential customers and want me to do the job for them - it's confusing. I think about SOLARGROUP even when I perform my duties as a real estate agent. But I act consistently, taking one step at a time. So I would say this: I am with SOLARGROUP every moment of my life.
 I really like the way the company is set up and the structure of the project. Everything we've built up for now will stay with us, no matter what happens, including the partner structure that everyone creates independently. The network that has been built will be maintained and continue to work. That's great, it's something that leads everyone involved to progress. That's why I'm motivated by the opportunity to strengthen my cooperation with the company - and that's what motivates people. We all want progress in our lives, with SOLARGROUP everyone has a road to it.
 In Nigeria, like in many countries, the gap between the rich and the poor is huge. Rich people are few, low-income people are numerous. So, the partner program is of great interest to everyone. I have very different partners and different investors. There is an investor who bought the most expensive package worth $150,000 and then another one worth $50,000. And there are investors who buy $12,500, $7,000, $5,000 and $500 packages.
 When you tell people there's an opportunity to make money just by introducing the company to their friends, they get excited! People are glad to earn extra money, they see it as an opportunity to change their lives. And many are attracted by the fact that investment packages here are more affordable than in other companies.
 The technology is of great interest in our country, people are attracted by the prospect of buying these motors in the future. But in my experience, the main thing that attracts people is the SOLARGROUP marketing plan. The flexible system of remuneration for promoting the idea, 15% for inviting other people - the Nigerians really like it. People are different and their interests are different, too. But I've noticed that everyone, no matter what walk of life they come from, finds the company's partner program to be a simple and useful tool. Everyone likes the opportunity to get bonuses quickly. Some spend their partner remuneration to buy the shares, and some spend it on their family. The most interesting thing for me is to explain to people that they can have a passive income. Right now, SOLARGROUP has almost no competitors in the field of crowdinvesting in Nigeria. No other company offers such appealing conditions.
 Another peculiarity of Nigeria is that live meetings are more effective for business here. The coronavirus makes it harder, but people are starting to get more and more into Facebook and WhatsApp. For some reason, Telegram is less popular - only 5% use it.
 It is also quite difficult to work with people who have had negative experience in investing before, and there are many of them in Nigeria. But it's an important part of the job - to regain the trust of people who have suffered from fraudulent schemes. To do this, I show them the website and documents that I myself downloaded and studied. Before registering, I give people the opportunity to check their authenticity and explore the technology for themselves. We compare the data together and draw conclusions, people always agree with the conclusions about the company's reliability. The company's transparency and friendly communication with any member of the SOLARGROUP team helps a lot.
 For me, it's important to plan my day. Every morning I prepare the tools I will use during the day. I share the news I have planned to post and talk about the technology. During the day, I am engaged in finding and recruiting new people, working with partners. In the evenings, I also tackle recruiting tasks and cover the news. I take news directly from the back office and try not to report it from other sources. I post all the important content on our Facebook pages, in WhatsApp and Telegram chats.
 Like the rest of the team, I believe in the project and intend to commit myself to the company on a long-term basis. This company will bring great profits to its investors! I think SOLARGROUP is the company of the future. And I often share my ideas on how to make work in my country even more effective. I think the ability to plan globally, to plan in the context of the entire country was given to me by my professional background - urban planning. And a lot of experience as a real estate agent made me a good marketing specialist. All this helps me to run partner business successfully. Besides, I have a very wide circle of social contacts, and I use my realtor skills of working with new people in SOLARGROUP. But I think it's the quality of communication that matters, not the number of contacts.
 My ideal partner is someone who understands the business well, sees the prospects of the project, knows how to plan the working day and implements what he or she has planned. I'm interested in people like that and willing to help them grow!