Overview for the project participants: induction motors

Overview for the project participants: induction motors

The project "Duyunov's motors" relies on the innovative technology, therefore we frequently address technical topics and use specialized terminology. In order for the project participants to understand us better, we will cover the technical issues in more detail.

The combined winding "Slavyanka" is used in induction electric motors. Today we will tell you about where and how widely they are used.

Electric motors are used in industry, housing and utility services, construction, military equipment and other fields. The vast majority of technological processes related to movement, such as lifting and transportation of loads, ventilation and air conditioning, water supply, drainage are carried out using electric drives of various types and purposes. The main drive that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is the electric motor.

Motors consume more than 55% of the world's electricity and drive virtually all industrial machinery, from the most powerful rolling mills to small instruments used to monitor and control production processes.

Their work largely determines the reliability of automatic lines, various manipulators and industrial robots. Millions of electric motors play an important role in the electric power industry of all branches of the national economy.

More than 8 billion (according to some alternative sources — over 9 billion) electric motors are produced annually in the world, and the demand for them is only growing. More than half of the global market is occupied by the AC motor niche, in particular, the industrial equipment segment is demonstrating significant growth.

Induction motors, which are represented by more than 10,000 varieties today, are the most widespread. Due to their simple design, high reliability, good performance, easy maintenance and repair and relatively low cost, they are widely used in many areas of life: in industry, everyday life, construction, agricultural production, transportation, military and medical equipment and other areas.

Induction electric motors are used as voltage controllers, phase controllers, frequency converters, etc. They can also operate in a generator mode.

The modern design of three-phase induction motors, which is widely used today, was proposed by M.O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky more than 100 years ago.

Our next post about induction motors will cover their design. Write in the comments if you are interested in such posts.