The company has a team that is a pleasure to work with | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Paul Denis YENE, Cameroon

The company has a team that is a pleasure to work with | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Paul Denis YENE, Cameroon

My name is Paul Denis YENE and I am from Yaoundé, Cameroon. I have a first-class master's degree in psychology. I hold an official position being a youth and events worker. This activity generates about $ 300 a month, enough to pay the bills and buy food.

I had very little prospects for my future and the future of my family. I was not content with that.

I have discovered SOLARGROUP in two stages. I first heard about it in 2018 from a friend on the Internet. But I wasn't really interested because I was already quite enthusiastic about another crowdinvesting project and because my friend wasn't very good at explaining what it was all about. Then I came across this company again around the end of 2020 when I met Alain Bonfils Tchana - he gave me 100 investment shares in the project "Duyunov's motors" and became my inviter. It was then that I decided to find out more about this opportunity, which was given to me for the second time.

The project "Duyunov's motors" attracted me first and foremost because the "Slavyanka" technology is legally protected by numerous patents for Dmitriy Duyunov's inventions (this aspect is very important in crowdfinvesting projects). Secondly, I was impressed by the innovative and environmental side of the project. Indeed, we are entering the era of the green economy, with the world powers striving for ever more environmentally friendly technologies. Since the technology itself fascinated me, I decided I had to turn my attention to the company responsible for organising the funding for the project, that is SOLARGROUP. Upon getting to know the company, I immediately saw a young, dynamic and very professional team. Their commitment to putting the project participants at the forefront was expressed, among other things, through regular written and audio-visual reports on the progress of the "Sovelmash" construction, weekly offline and online presentations, flawless customer support, etc.

I met people in this company who helped me struggle to get what I wanted. I have always dreamed of owning shares in a large international corporation, and with SOLARGROUP I am in the process of fulfilling my dream. I admire Gilles Weber, the national partner in Cameroon, whom I consider a real workaholic. This is a man who can't be stopped anywhere and by anything in his efforts to tell people about SOLARGROUP. I believe that the presence and constant support of my mentor Alain Bonfils Tchana has also greatly contributed to my development with the company. Alain is a very kind person, always ready to help me and provide me with the latest information. To put it in a nutshell, the company has a team that is a pleasure to work with.

I signed the partnership agreement in December 2020. Since I didn't have the opportunity to make an investment that matched my ambitions immediately after registering with the project, I thought at the time that the partner program would be the best way to make some money to cover my monthly installment payments. I then immediately reached out to my relatives and other acquaintances to tell them about the project. Unfortunately, most of them do not yet understand this investment model. Some people confuse the term 'investment project' (e.g. the project "Duyunov's motors") with 'investment program' or 'investment platform', and many platforms are fraudulent and exploit hype. This makes people see scammers everywhere, so they often neglect the opportunity to become part-owners of an enterprise with a highly sought-after technology!

As a partner, I set my first objective: to achieve the "Specialist" status. I started attending webinars and seminars to learn more about the project. I set up a Facebook page (called "I Invest in Startups") and went looking for potential customers, mainly in WhatsApp groups. Every day I tell at least 20 people about the project.

Addressing anyone and everyone, I realised that while this opportunity is meant for everyone, not everyone can take advantage of it. Many, due to a lack of financial literacy and a taste for risk, do not understand the essence of the project and do not want to make any effort to grasp it.

Three months after registering with the project, I reached the "Specialist" status. This encouraged me to work even harder. And in March 2022, I already became a "Master" at SOLARGROUP. I dedicated this achievement to my beloved deceased wife, whom I lost in February 2022. She knew how determined I was to get engaged in the project, so I am now aiming for the "Expert" status in her honour.

I achieved my results thanks to the help of my team and mentor. And I myself always help the team in times of need. It took me almost a year to go from the "Specialist" to "Master" status. To achieve this, I had to spend every spare minute looking for potential partners, responding to various requests from my team (from verifying their SOLARGROUP user accounts to adding funds to their accounts in the back office with cryptocurrencies, most of the time). At the same time, I myself participated and encouraged my team to participate in webinars and seminars. In addition, I motivated them to do the same in their own partner structure. I also worked on competently sharing information about the project "Duyunov's motors" and SOLARGROUP and correctly answering questions from potential customers.

One of the difficulties of partner business is having partners who, for one reason or another, do not comply with their payment schedule. At least 3 parties will suffer in this situation: the project, which does not receive its stated funding, the partner, who does not receive their investment shares, and me, their mentor, not getting my referral remuneration. This motivates me to encourage my partners to engage in their own partner activities and earn money for timely payments.

In my work, I adhere to the principles of honesty, solidarity and accessibility. When I invite a partner, it is my duty to give them the opportunity to understand the project by providing full information. By developing a spirit of solidarity, we support each other and ultimately form a family whose members are always ready to help each other.

If I manage to achieve the "President" status, I think I can make partner business in SOLARGROUP my main job. My immediate goal is to become an "Expert", then become a "Professional" and then a "President", why not. At this point, I have decided to make every effort to purchase the maximum number of investment shares in the project "Duyunov's motors". I am also planning to secure a monthly income of at least $ 1,000 through my partnership.

I am inspired in this business by the charisma of Gilles Weber, the dedication of Victor Essombè (vice national partner in Cameroon) and the caring nature of Alain Bonfils Tchana. Here I have met wonderful people who share the same outlook on life as I do, and who are willing to change their lives and risk something to contribute to the preservation of the planet's ecosystem.

My thanks to SOLARGROUP for letting me take part in this wonderful project and giving me the opportunity to fulfil my wish to become a co-owner of the international corporation and offer people something useful by telling my contemporaries and descendants about the "Slavyanka" technology.

I thank my team for their trust and goodwill.