Work for joy and satisfaction | Story of partner Donatien Gerard

Work for joy and satisfaction | Story of partner Donatien Gerard

My name is Donatien Gerard. I am from Cameroon, the city of Bafoussam.

I studied at a higher technical school and graduated with a teaching diploma. I pursued my profession, earning $ 200. The money was enough to pay for housing and food. It wasn't enough for me because I wanted to help my family.

I was introduced to SOLARGROUP in 2018, a member of the partner program, one of the leaders, told me about it. I was overwhelmed because it was about electric motors - the subject I taught in school. So I instantly wanted to be part of that change, because it really is the most efficient electric motor in the world.

I met very nice, friendly people in SOLARGROUP. The technical support service here is always available and ready to answer questions, solve every problem of any partner.

A few weeks after being introduced to the project, I signed the partnership agreement.

I set a goal for myself to purchase as many investment shares as possible to ensure a better future for me and my family.

I started to spread information about the project among my colleagues, friends and acquaintances in social media. There hadn't been a day without me sharing the project news.

At first I mistakenly assumed that everyone would immediately follow me, but I quickly realized that not everyone shared my beliefs and my vision. On the other hand, this experience made me realize that there were people waiting right for the opportunities provided by SOLARGROUP, and so I started working with these people. I decided to work only with those who shared my vision for the project.

The first results appeared after six months. A friend of mine, after seeing one of my posts on Facebook, contacted me and asked for more information. She had been looking for such opportunities for a long time. So persistence and patience in spreading the word is all it took for me.

Thanks to my friend and some other partners, I got my first results and my team started to grow.

My next steps in the partner business were as follows: I observed how my invitor worked and copied his strategy. I'd been doing that for over a year, helping my team grow in the partner program. I introduced them to the duplication system and motivated them to act the way I did, passing on my vision.

I encountered such difficulties as skepticism or lack of money among customers. Skepticism was expressed by people who had been duped by fake Internet companies. And when a person had no money, although being interested in the project, he or she just didn't know where to start. Some of my very close friends said they were disappointed. But I realized it's okay: it's just one step on the way to success. I decided to listen to my heart and go all the way towards my goal.

In partnership, I adhere to the following principles: teamwork, accessibility, mutual respect and honesty above all else.

I took the decision to make partner business my second source of income when my monthly income at SOLARGROUP hit $ 300.

My mentor always supported me, especially in those moments when I had a hard time carrying on because people close to me didn't believe in my plan. He kept repeating to me the phrase I now always tell myself: When you find an opportunity or a chance to change your life once and for all, you must not squander it.

My further goals with the company are definitely to reach the top in the marketing plan.

At SOLARGROUP, I draw inspiration from the stories of such leaders as Alain Bonfils, Lissa Tirogo and Gilles Weber. They help me move forward and create my own story - with faith, strength and determination.

Thanks to the partner business, I am now able to help my family, and I feel fulfilled. This job is not even a job for me, because I enjoy what I do.

I am grateful to my mentors and the company for giving me the opportunity to be the best version of myself and be a part in the successful implementation of a great, gigantic project!