Why crowdinvesting? | Clear business

Why crowdinvesting? | Clear business

The global crowdinvesting market doubles in size every year. In some countries, the volume of crowdinvesting has already approached the scale of funding from venture capitalists. According to the estimates of Technavio Analytics Agency and World Bank forecasts, the volume of global crowdinvesting worldwide will reach $ 95 billion by 2025.

Even in Russia, where about 3% of the population is financially literate, the volume of the crowdtech market accounts for almost 40% of the total investment volume.

Why are more and more companies and investors choosing crowdinvesting? The popularity of this type of funding is ensured by a number of important advantages:

• Velocity. Crowdinvesting allows a project to raise capital fairly quickly (compared to other types of funding).
• Low costs. Any other option for loan capital (bank loans, commercial loans, issuing bonds) will have significantly higher costs.
• Opportunity to test a business model. Crowdinvesting allows the project to raise awareness of the company, expand the range of potential customers and achieve internationalisation of the business - investors are attracted from different parts of the world.
• Benefits for participants. In crowdinvesting, the originator of an idea openly approaches potential investors and provides information to the extent necessary to make a decision. For investors, this opens up the opportunity to become co-owners of a business with potentially high returns through a small investment.

There is also a major advantage that simultaneously makes it difficult to research the crowdinvesting market. This is the security of an investor's data and maximum protection of their investments. No, crowdinvesting platforms don't provide investor data for research. For investors, this is a very good thing! And it makes life harder for analysts. Therefore, at the moment, the vast majority of reviews focus on traditional forms of capital raising. Despite the limitation in access to the profiles of investors on platforms (which is a necessary condition for analysing this area), experts agree that crowdinvesting expands the boundaries of economic theory and allows for the development of new areas.

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