Review of the project "Duyunov's motors": Why I invest with SOLARGROUP

Review of the project "Duyunov's motors": Why I invest with SOLARGROUP

Do you want as many people as possible to know about the project and participate in it? So, we have a common goal.

Tell the world why you're investing in the project and get up to $ 1,000 for the best review. The contest is open to residents of any country.

Authors of the top ten reviews will receive a cash reward credited to the main account in the back office. It will be possible to purchase investment packages in the project with the prize money. 

Place 1 - $ 1,000, 

Place 2 - $ 900, 

Place 3 - $ 800,

Place 4 - $ 700,

Place 5 - $ 600,

Place 6 - $ 500,

Place 7 - $ 400,

Place 8 - $ 300,

Place 9 - $ 200,

Place 10 - $ 100. 

Each participant who meets all the contest conditions will get $ 5.

Contest conditions 

1. Record a video on the subject "Review of the "Duyunov's motors" project" with your face in the footage. 

2. Upload the video to for public access. Specify the following in the subject: Review of the project "Duyunov's motors": Why I invest with SOLARGROUP. Add the #solargroup_feedback hashtag in the description.

3. Post the video on the wall of any of your profiles: on Instagram, Facebook or VKontakte. In VKontakte, pin it at the top of the page until August 5 inclusive. 

4. Send an email to with the subject line "Contest" providing the following: 

- a link to the YouTube video, 

- your first and last name, e-mail which you used to register in the back office. 

5. Please meet the technical requirements for the video: 

- duration from 2 to 5 minutes,

- 720p minimum resolution, 

- good lighting and sound. 

6. The videos will be accepted until August 5 inclusive.

Each item is mandatory - read the contest conditions carefully! 

What can you talk about in the video?

• About yourself: your profession, where you live, how you learned about SOLARGROUP and the project "Duyunov's motors".

• When and why you decided to participate in the project.

• What achievements of the project impress and inspire you.

To make the review even more interesting, add more details. 

• Who and how the project and the company SOLARGROUP can benefit.

• If you are going to the SOLARGROUP conference in Moscow on August 6, explain why and invite those who will benefit from it. 

The winner will be chosen by a panel of judges represented by the SOLARGROUP team. 

First and foremost, creativity and relevance to the contest topic will be assessed. 

The results of the contest will be announced on August 10. 

The world is your oyster! Participate in the contest - increase the number of your investment shares and the level of your future income.