What do the rich and successful hush up?

What do the rich and successful hush up?

There are no people in this community who are indifferent to finances. Each subscriber is interested in income growth: some invest in the crowdinvesting project, the others develop SOLARGROUP partner program, and there are those who combine both activities.
At the same time, the thoughts about someone else's success occasionally glimmer in our mind: how did they succeed, and what do you need to do to achieve the same?

Often, the goal is achieved by someone who breaks the deeply entrenched stereotypes and moves against the system. Almost all the world's business leaders willingly share their "secrets" and "lifehacks", telling how they overcame difficulties and brought their genius ideas to life. But what skills actually help them see more than others and achieve what they want?

Michael Simmons from Business Insider studied the interviews, statements and memoirs of famous billionaires and enunciated three rules that are constantly followed by Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk. The journalist's conclusions are somewhat different from those we are aware of: most successful people regularly devote time to reading, reflection and experimenting.

- Reading. Books are an accessible source of knowledge, experience, and original ideas. Oprah Winfrey in one of the interviews called reading books her pass to personal freedom, and Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, considers his library pretty much sacred. Mark Zuckerberg reads at least one book every two weeks, and Bill Gates has at least 50 books read a year under his belt. The greatest investor Warren Buffett devotes 5-6 hours a day to reading five printed editions and 500 pages of corporate reports. And the world-famous entrepreneur Elon Musk "devoured" two books a day as a child.

- Reflection. Deductions are the best way to analyze your mistakes, plan further actions, and systematize your plans for the future. Jeff Weiner, ex CEO of LinkedIn and Yahoo, devotes at least 2 hours a day to thinking, and the billionaire Ray Dalio examines his own mistakes together with the employees of his company to determine the cause of failure and find the best way out.

- Experiments. The acquired knowledge and skills should be regularly applied in practice, as well as new methods of using them should be sought. Outstanding scientists and inventors achieved success by conducting regular experiments and believing in a happy ending. For example, Google employees are allowed to experiment with new projects devoting up to 20% of their working time to this. This approach helps specialists stay in good shape and maintain a high degree of motivation.
Try to use three simple rules to achieve success in your work:

Find time to read and learn new information. Try not to forget about books and publications in influential scientific and financial periodicals.
If you find time to study, don't waste it. Use every minute for self-development or analysis.
Put your results into practice: implement innovations, experiment, and make conclusions.

Without hard work and self-development, there is no result, and therefore continue to work on improving yourself!

Recently, we have posted an article about the TOP 19 leading financial mass media in the world. Adopt these tips!