I'm glad I didn't let such people and project pass me by | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Aleksandr Mynko

I'm glad I didn't let such people and project pass me by | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Aleksandr Mynko

My name is Aleksandr Mynko. I am from Moscow, Russia. I have a college degree. I am an entrepreneur, an investor, used to be involved in DCP (Digital Cinema Package - digital technology for showing movies in cinemas).

I invested and earned between $ 2,000 and $ 5,000. This income was enough for further investments and sustaining a living.

I was not happy with the fact that good projects were not supported by the state, oligarchs and bureaucrats!

I learned about the project "Duyunov's motors" in May 2017 from Sergey Semyonov at a webinar. Since June 2017, SOLARGROUP has proved its viability and commitment to its Goal: funding "Sovelmash"! I believe it is a mission to implement a popular project by means of the crowdinvesting mechanism.

At SOLARGROUP, I met people who were really interested in implementing the project "Duyunov's motors".

I signed the partnership agreement straight away in June 2017. The main argument in making this decision was Dmitriy A. Duyunov, a solid business manager, innovator, organiser, and a man who knows how to bring a team together for such an ambitious task as the construction of the "Sovelmash" D&E.

My primary goal was to organise the SOLARGROUP conference at VDNKh on June 24, 2017, which we successfully did! More than 250 people attended the conference.

As always, I acted like this: I contacted my acquaintances, colleagues, participants in other projects and companies. This kickstarted the development of my team.

The conclusion is clear: if we want to, we can build not only a company, but a country!

The first results were seen the day after the conference. I achieved results so quickly because of the trust of the people with whom I organised the first SOLARGROUP conference.

My next steps were investments, inviting new partners and duplication.

The challenge in partner business is always the same: to convincingly communicate information about the project, its opportunities and results. So my guiding principle is duplicate, duplicate and duplicate again!

I invested all the income from SOLARGROUP back into the project. This gave me, my spouse, my son, my sister and my mother (she's 87 now!) the opportunity to become investors.

My mentor gave me the opportunity to show my worth in organising the first SOLARGROUP conference. And now I support my team, we communicate information about "Sovelmash" and SOLARGROUP to people by registering new participants in this wonderful project.

I am inspired by crowdinvesting as a tool, inspired by people who care about the future of the country and the world. I'm glad I haven't passed by such people as Dmitriy Duyunov and such a project as "Duyunov's motors"!

I am grateful to Sergey Semyonov and Pavel Filippov for listening and accepting my suggestions in early June 2017 during our conversation in the Tula office. Thanks to all my team partners, though I don't even know many of them in person!