If I had a second family, it would be SOLARGROUP | The story of SOLARGROUP partner Wilfried Obossou, Benin

If I had a second family, it would be SOLARGROUP | The story of SOLARGROUP partner Wilfried Obossou, Benin

My name is Wilfried Obossou. I am from Porto-Novo, Benin. I am 23 years old and have a professional licentiate degree in philosophy. I now continue to study philosophy for my master's degree.

To be honest, I didn't really have a job before. I believed that I should first concentrate on my studies, graduate successfully, pass my final exams, and then find a job. School was my priority, my dream was to become the most educated person in my family. But when I started my second year at university, it became hard financially. I really needed money! I could not provide for myself even to meet my most basic needs. It was then that my friend Albéric MededjI, who graduated from the same school as me, introduced me to the online business. I even made my first investment despite the precarious financial conditions I was in. Unfortunately, not everything went smoothly, and after a few weeks the platform through which we invested disappeared. We lost our money without being able to get even half of it back. However, the journey did not end there. I subsequently switched to several other investment platforms. Some of them still operate, some of them don't. I ended up losing a lot of money, but I never got discouraged because I had a goal to achieve.

At the time I had no real source of income, I could only rely on the 5,000 francs ($ 8) my father sent me each month so I could buy myself food for breakfast and some basic necessities: soap, toothpaste, shoes, etc.

The money I used to get didn't really allow me to do anything, because after a week at most I was penniless again, and I still had a lot of expenses to cover. I was like an orphan or someone who was not supported by anyone and I wasn't getting anywhere. I couldn't earn money, I had to ask my parents for it. When I contacted them, they kept complaining that they had already done everything in their power to pay my school fees, which were 500,000 francs (more than 750 dollars) a year, so I should also make the effort to finish my studies and start earning a living.

I was struggling to earn my meagre savings - and then kept on losing them to fraudulent online companies. But I didn't give up! Eventually an online search led me to a WhatsApp group set up by Joseph Tossou, one of the partner business leaders in Benin. I had never met him before that day. It offered quite a lot of opportunities that I hadn't paid attention to before. So one day in September 2019, he spoke briefly about SOLARGROUP. I must confess that I didn't understand much at the time. So I abandoned the idea and continued investing in pyramid schemes, believing that I would eventually encounter something that would make me successful. To my deep regret, I continued to do so until I lost everything and ended up in debt. During that period I was facing every possible hardship, I had nothing to eat, no clothes to wear... I had no way out anymore.

After much discussion, a friend of mine called Austin Ayena sent me via WhatsApp the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. I understood a lot after reading it. I realised that I should first gain knowledge - and only then make any decisions. Since then, I have enjoyed reading books on personal growth. I also read The Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki, a book that had such a profound effect on me that it made me think about long-term investing. And in 2020, I finally turned to SOLARGROUP to get a hands-on understanding of what it's all about.

I was able to clearly understand the principles of SOLARGROUP, I personally did some research to see for myself the veracity of the project "Duyunov's motors". Once, when I hadn't yet moved to the capital of Benin, Porto Novo, and was living in Parakou, I came across a poster on the Internet. It said there would be a live presentation by SOLARGROUP in Parakou. I thought it was my chance to go and find out more about everything, so I registered for the event. Honestly, I was completely satisfied with the presentation! I was able to better see the gaps in my knowledge, all my questions were answered in a way that convinced me. I walked out of the room that day full of enthusiasm, really believing that it was the opportunity that would finally allow my dreams and those of my future children to come true. I realised that SOLARGROUP offers a very effective solution today by supporting innovative technology projects that address environmental issues, ensuring the protection of the environment for us and for our future generations. And at the same time, the company provides jobs for people who want to change their lives for the better, allowing them to become financially free. SOLARGROUP has a long-term vision - one of the things I am very interested in. Also, don't forget about the transparency and reliability that the company demonstrates every day, and all the promises it fully and thoroughly keeps. It's a very transparent company! Here they take every opportunity to get close to the partners and always be aware of their activities, day and night. Undoubtedly, the dynamism and professionalism of the management is unsurpassed.

I registered in the project and completed verification in 2020 and purchased my first investment package worth $ 100 in installments. I made two monthly payments and got into money trouble again. Then I decided to sign the partnership agreement to use my free time to work, get remuneration from SOLARGROUP - and so make my monthly payments, get as many shares as possible and purchase more packages. I signed the agreement in 2021.

It wasn't easy to get started! It turned out to be really difficult to convince people that the project was true and real. It is extremely difficult to communicate the company's vision to anyone because we all live among sceptics, almost everyone is distrustful. I would say that we still have many ignorant people in this country who have shut their minds and don't notice any of the wonderful opportunities. These people expect you to be the first to do something - and when it works, they will follow yo Everyone wants to make money right now, but doesn't want to do anything about it. However, I met a few people who shared my vision, who understood the meaning of what was happening. And I decided to surround myself with such optimistic people ready for work. This is how I joined this small circle of conscientious and committed people.

We were aiming to spread information in an environment where we could stumble across negativity at any moment. But I was already fully confident in the project and in my own abilities. I knew that nothing could stop me from achieving my goals. The first people I gave this opportunity to were my parents, friends and university colleagues. All of them did not even try to look into it, immediately stating that it was definitely fraud-related. They wanted proof of what I was saying. Only a few said they would follow me when they saw me succeed. I think they didn't want to listen to me because I didn't look like someone who could convince, I was in a difficult financial situation at the time, virtually in dire straits. So I started working on the Internet with strangers, looking for customers every day. I treated the partner business as a real job from the very beginning, I told and continue telling people about SOLARGROUP every day in my WhatsApp group and on social media, I write new content every day and follow the marketing strategy.

My initial goal was very clear, it was above doubt, so nothing could stop me from getting ahead, even if I got nothing out of it by working all day long. I needed to earn an income for myself, not only to make the installment payments, but also to be able to withdraw funds from time to time to meet my own needs. I started small, creating my own community, and gradually recruited people into the team who had the same vision.

The second goal was to create a large community. I wanted to influence and empower people to change their lives so that one day I could write my name in the book of success.

I must say that before SOLARGROUP I had made plenty of mistakes. I was first introduced to partner business in another company, where I had to watch YouTube videos on a daily basis and was paid a salary for it. I have had to do so many things in my life that I could list them endlessly! Most of my jobs didn't pay, no online business took off, but it was a good lesson I learnt. For example, I had a community of over 500 people and I lost it all when the company went bankrupt, people were disappointed to have followed me. I believe that such failures are the fundamental reason why most potential customers today do not believe real promising companies.

At SOLARGROUP, I've learned a lot about marketing and investment in general. However, I keep learning every day. I now know that I should never invest in a pyramid scheme that has no products to sell or solutions to offer. Moreover, you should not start working in an area without having the minimum necessary knowledge. And you also need to be able to take risks wisely, rather than blindly following those who say something like this - those who risk nothing, have nothing. The most successful decision I have made: whatever obstacles I face, I will never give up on partner business as long as SOLARGROUP exists. And I believe that this company will live on, grow and impress all those who do not trust it today.

The results of partner activities do not show overnight. My first results, for example, came after three weeks and were certainly not significant. But they motivated me! As the saying goes, wealth always starts with little things. It wasn't that high of an income, but I started making money every day and realised that by attracting more and more partners I would significantly increase my income.

WhatsApp helps me in my search for customers. And in the very beginning, buying the most affordable package worth $ 100 and paying for it in installments helped a lot. The first people I told about it took advantage of the opportunity.

I am not yet fully satisfied with my job, I still have a lot to do to achieve the status I want. Today I have the "Expert" status that I've achieved after a year of work. I would say that it was work, hard and persistent, that got me to where I am now. I work any time with no rest. Every day I write new marketing content and develop strategies to ensure progress. I often give live presentations in my country, always striving to keep up to date with all the news from SOLARGROUP. It's true! I can't even count the number of times I've been to SOLARGROUP presentations, but every time I get something new out of them.

The person who invited me doesn't pay attention to the project, he didn't help me get settled in. But I am grateful to this person for giving me a chance - providing me with the opportunity to register in the project and become a partner of the company. I understand him, being a partner is not easy. We always encounter difficulties when inviting people to an offline presentation, for example. Most people don't attach any importance to this business, saying that as partners they would be like beggars. Many people only promise to come to a presentation, but something always gets in the way at the very last minute. And you need to virtually breathe down people's neck after they register in the back office to make sure they complete verification. We always share information, but people don't want to read it, all they want to know is when we go public, when the first dividend is due.

But we continue to work no matter what, and we hope that many of them will join us, though belatedly.

My style of work is to learn from other people, to observe their strategies and so learn how to improve mine. I just love it! I am open and work in harmony with everyone, I don't care about the race or gender of the person I am learning from. I am very patient and hard on myself in my work. I like to show great respect for my partners and always try to protect and support them. I am also quick to adapt to all types of people, figuring out how to explain the project to different people so that they understand, even if they actually never went to school.

My choice of partner business is primarily driven by the fact that it can be done at any time without pressure from any authority. Here I can create a sustainable source of income for myself and achieve financial freedom. Dedicating myself to partner business is exactly what I want to do. There's no other company that offers such an attractive reward plan as SOLARGROUP! It includes promotions that the company often runs, challanges and other activities. SOLARGROUP has proved to us that it can develop in any situation. I just feel satisfied and confident working with this company.

I earn with SOLARGROUP and pray to God to give me a chance to meet good people for the team.

I have met quite a lot of people on my way who I communicated with about the project, and they have contributed to my development. I would prefer to keep many of my plans private for the time being, but I would like to share the main thing - to create a large community in this company that can work with me today and always, to promote any large-scale projects that SOLARGROUP has yet to fund in the coming years.

I learn from more successful people than me! I intend to try their methods of work. My team motivates me, encourages me, every day my partners send me messages of encouragement.

Thanks to SOLARGROUP, I can now definitely meet my basic needs, I do not depend on my parents anymore, I am able to take responsibility and make my own living. In short, I'm not the same person I was before I learnt about this company. Today, I am proud to be the leader of a team with almost 1,000 people who follow and trust me.

First and foremost, I would like to thank our dear national partner Gilles Weber. He has always been there for me and has always been willing to listen to me. He is a salt-of-the-earth man with an angelic heart who understands my capabilities and trusts me. Whenever I decide to do a live presentation, he provides everything I need to organise it at my disposal. I must also point out everything Barbara Sacca-Kina, our national partner's assistant, does for us! She is one of those people who always motivate me to work. Her ease and openness are truly endearing. Among other things, we all maintain close ties and are ready to help each other. I dare to say that if I could have a second family, it would be SOLARGROUP. I would also like to express my thanks to the leaders Médard Yehou, Adimi Mamadou and Samuel Ahouanssou who are very friendly people, I work with them all the time. May God continue to protect and strengthen you!

I am grateful to my dear leading partner Siméon Pobblah for his work and determination, and to the partners Hermann Amouzoun, Assou, Pauline Hounsonlon, Isaac, Bienvenue Awokou and all those I haven't been able to name here. I carry all of you in my heart, and may God always give you the strength to persevere!