We are extending the "+5% to the top-up amount" offer until June 5
The efficiency of SOLARGROUP's recent offers was emphasized by Dmitriy Duyunov and Alexander Sudarev in one of the latest videos from the "Sovelmash" construction site. The April's lottery also ensured a considerable acceleration in the intensity of the construction work.
The "+5% to the top-up amount" offer also contributes to keeping the funding bar high. We can see the demand for the offer, so we are extending it for a few more days.
Until June 5 inclusive, top up your main account in the back office and get a 5% cash bonus from the amount you deposit. With this money you will be able to buy more investment shares.
You can add funds to your main account using any of the available methods. Transfers between accounts are not considered a top-up.
Use this opportunity yourself and tell other investors and partners about it to support the "Sovelmash" D&E construction!