Main events of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Main events of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Work at the "Sovelmash" construction site was in progress all week without a single day off.

A number of diverse tasks were performed inside the D&E building.

• Hydraulic testing of the heating pipeline was successfully completed. The maintenance service found the "Sovelmash" heating station to be exemplary. The flushing of the heating pipeline was accepted and a special protocol was signed. These are a few more important steps to connect the building to the central heating system.
• Engineering networks were installed inside the D&E. The focus was on the heating and water pipes.
• Ventilation and smoke removal systems were installed on the second and third floors of the office and amenity building and on the roof.
• Electrical distribution network cables were installed.
• The pipes were installed through which ethylene glycol is to be distributed in the future for correct operation of the air-conditioning system.
• Interior finishing in the O&A continued: laying of porcelain stoneware, painting the walls and ceilings.
• The first batch of lighting units for stairwells, hallways, utility rooms and short-stay areas was delivered to the site.
• The doors for the 1st floor of the O&A building were delivered. Their installation began.

Outside the building, the area was landscaped and work on the engineering networks was in progress.

• Drilling was performed under the driveway to connect the storm drainage system.
• The last area on the right side of the building was excavated near the fire escape.
• Lawn soil was brought in at the rear of the site.
• To the left of the building the asphalt was cleared before installing the kerbs and forming the base for the future lawn.
• The reinforcement was tied at the base of the porch at the front entrance.

As you can see, the construction is well underway on many fronts. The main thing is to complete all earthwork and landscaping, and to connect the heating before the cold weather sets in. This is possible if the project maintains the high level of funding achieved in August.

We would like to remind you that for this purpose the "Thank You" offer is available in the project until September 30 inclusive.

Conditions of the offer.

Hurry up to invest on beneficial terms and support the construction of the "Sovelmash" D&E to start earning a profit from your investment as early as possible!