This innovative project is very close to my heart | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Lissa Tirogo

This innovative project is very close to my heart | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Lissa Tirogo

My name is Lissa Tirogo. I live in Grand-Bassam, Côte d'Ivoire.

I got a college degree (BEPEC) and worked as a sales agent. I was also an independent entrepreneur and earned over $ 500 per month. I poured my income into investments, but the returns weren't very high - it didn't satisfy me.

In 2018, I learnt about SOLARGROUP from Atse Saturnin Yapo, a partner of the company. He sent me a message on WhatsApp in which he said: "Tirogo, there's a business. Since you're a developer and a marketing expert, please analyse and say if this is a good thing." I agreed, registered in the project and started working. I realised that SOLARGROUP was engaged in innovative technology and "Duyunov's motors" was a project of the future.

I already had a lot of trust in the people I was developing a partner business with. Moreover, SOLARGROUP's national representative in Côte d'Ivoire is Gilles Weber, a man fully committed to the business. When he does something, he does it perfectly and puts his heart and soul into it. I signed the partnership agreement with the company in December 2019, and the only person who truly inspired me to develop this particular project was Gilles Weber. I figured out the essence of the project on my own and made the decision to join on my own. As for my emotions, I wanted to move as fast as possible, succeed, be dynamic and reach the top of the marketing plan.

After I engaged in this project, my friends and family followed me when they realised I wasn't in for a scam. They trusted me completely, literally with their eyes closed, and together we travelled this path to the current success of SOLARGROUP.

My first goal was to introduce the project to people around me and then around the world. I wanted to build my team here, to establish a base for systematic work.

I took my first steps in partner business earlier, in another project that focused on suspended string transport. This experience helped me, I gained a lot of knowledge and was able to apply it in SOLARGROUP, so I saw my first results in a few months. Gradually I purchased more and more investment shares, now I still continue to stock up my shares. I intend to buy millions of shares.

24/7 I worked with the information about the project and the best materials provided to me by my mentor Gilles Weber. The quality of the materials and the example of my mentor motivated me to work even harder!

Yes, I have an impressive background and I have made many mistakes. I often spread myself thin on several opportunities at the same time, which did not allow me to work properly. I think it's the biggest mistake in business. The conclusion I can draw is that you need to see the goal clearly, have a good understanding of the process, and focus on your work. You must go at full speed until you reach your goal, until you get to the finish line. You mustn't stop until you achieve your goal, you must keep going. I'm like a lion now. When a lion is stalking prey, it has his eyes on one animal, one target only, and it will not stop until the goal is reached. A lion can't chase all the animals at once, it's impossible. This is how I focused on the project by SOLARGROUP to achieve my goal. I will be able to take advantage of my further opportunities in due course. I am grateful to the company for this lesson.

Working for SOLARGROUP has been a real challenge for me. I fully committed myself to the project, and quickly became successful. I have proof in the back office that high partner statuses can be achieved in a month - I can show you my work with referrals for this purpose. So I am ready to assert this with confidence: success of a partner depends only on their effort.

One of the difficulties I encountered in partner business was a situation that happened in another crowdinvesting project with a member of my structure. Earlier, before SOLARGROUP, he was my mentor and at some point he decided to leave our team and join the project "Duyunov's motors" together with all his partners. Back then, I was very displeased with this decision, I thought that this was not the way to go about doing serious business. I was furious! I took it very badly. I even started berating the whole partner business in general, became disillusioned with this activity and stopped doing it for a while. It really made me very upset and disheartened. I was in a daze. But that period passed and things picked up. This man's name is Gilles Weber, you already know who he is.

I continue to engage partners and investors, I continue to develop my structure. What motivates me the most is that this innovative project is very close to my heart. Because honesty and trust are valued here, and those are my principles. My total income to date is over $ 20,000. Generally at least $ 1,000-$ 2,000 per month. I didn't even count on it much at first.

My mentors Gilles Weber and Irene Somda always support me. But sometimes it's more like I help my mentor since I am a developer. So I can say that I have achieved what I have in my life on my own.

I intend to develop the business right up to the very closure of the share sales. And I am glad that by participating in the project I am contributing to the production of innovative motors. I want to become a "President" and own millions of shares. I have developed a very high speed of work!

Many thanks to the company and my mentors for the support they have given me from my first day on the project until now! Thank you for the trust and incredible opportunities.

I would like to thank my team of partners for the effort they put into the development of the project, for their determination in promoting it. Many thanks to all the African teams! Only active work produces results.

My thanks again to the great leaders and wonderful people from Burkina Faso, and to those who created a network of partners, not forgetting Benin, Togo, Senegal. I warmly thank all my partners in different countries. And hats off to a country I can't help but honour - Cameroon. They are doing an amazing job! They're just awesome.