The reasons why people are willing to invest

The reasons why people are willing to invest

The world is changeable. Things are going well today. And tomorrow there will be inflation, unemployment, a pandemic. But people want security and stability, because this is a basic human need. Everyone wants stability in the ever-changing world.

This is the reason that makes people look for the opportunity to receive passive income, including that through investments. The investment principle is as follows: today I invest my funds to have money tomorrow and to make sure their amount grows.

However, everyone has different reasons to invest.
· Some people want to have a financial safety cushion because they feel insecure without it.
· Some people are saving up to make their dream come true.
· Some people want to provide a comfortable future for themselves and their family.
· Some people want to protect their funds from inflation.

They all have one thing in common: they decide to do something now to secure their life in the future.

Statistics annually show that more than 50% of Russians have no savings at all, about 30% have bank deposits. And only a few invest in innovative projects, their own business or production. That is, despite the obvious benefits of investment, not many people have already explored this opportunity for themselves. Why?

All people would like to live like the few who already have high returns on their investments. But most are sure that they do not have enough strength, money, or abilities to improve their lives. This attitude is not fast to change. However, it can be changed. There are more and more publications, comments, expert materials appearing about the need to improve financial literacy, learn to live in the changing world. Therefore, the interest to the topic of investment is growing.

Besides, people want to invest for a less obvious reason: they need socially significant activities. Employment often does not satisfy this particular request, becoming just a way to make a living. When such work takes up all the time, a person ceases to believe that their life depends on their own initiative and enthusiasm. And the investment market solves this problem.

And provides a choice. Moreover, proposals to invest in environmental projects are appearing today.

Typically, services that teach how to start investing focus on two things:
1. You have money.
2. Start with a conservative approach.

In this paradigm, it might seem that investments are really only affordable for a select few who have savings. And most people's budget is already so limited that they can't cut back on something else. Does this mean that there are people who don't want to invest in anything? No, it doesn't. It would rather mean that the person was introduced to the offers and thought: "Leave me alone! I have no resources! I don't want to get the second/third/fourth job. I just want to buy those diapers for my baby/eat cod liver twice a week and that's it."

Crowdinvesting allows you to invest small amounts, and the partner program allows you to compensate for the investment package costs. Therefore, the phrase "you have money” does not always imply savings.

A conservative investor most often chooses a bank deposit. Less money, less risk. However, today is not the best time for deposits, as the interest rate for them continues to decrease. Whereas purchasing shares or equities is considered the most reliable asset. And not only wealthy people or those who are willing to take risks can afford such an investment today. Of course, the risk is always there. Even if you act very conservatively, for example, deposit a small amount in a trusted bank with the interest accrued. However, if nothing is done at all, there will be no change either.

No matter why a person contemplates investing (the dream of a better life, taking care of the family, protecting funds from inflation, the desire to earn by creating value), no matter how conservative he or she is, and no matter how much money they have at the start, everyone can find the solution that fits them today.
You can protect the environment, maintain a comfortable standard of living and ensure a sustainable future at the same time!