Does investor mindset exist?

Does investor mindset exist?

Scientifically, it doesn't. The investor mindset is no different from that of any given person. However, many authors and bloggers call the investor mindset the mindset of a successful person and contrast it with the mindset of a common person.

What is the ground for this opposition? A lot of studies on people's financial behavior. The research findings show conclusively what lies at the heart of well-being: financial literacy and investment culture. Both can be mastered by anyone!

There are quite a few learning tools, and they vary. A person, getting acquainted with them, may think: what a load of principles, so many things that need to be changed in life - can I just live and enjoy myself?

Bingo! If a person thinks so, he or she is already on the right track to financial success. Because the first principle of investor mindset is as follows:

1. Money is simply a tool.

A tool for achieving your goals, allowing you to create and multiply value, allowing you to enjoy yourself. Money in itself should not evoke strong emotions, it is not a goal and not a reason to have fears. More money means more opportunities to give yourself and your loved ones the pleasures of life, to accomplish what you want, to feel free and protected, to take care of yourself and others, to maintain your health.

Money does not exist in a vacuum, nor does a person. A person simultaneously operates in several domains of life, not only in the financial one. And a successful person understands that one domain depends on the other. It is impossible, for example, to allocate funds competently, and your time - not so much. It's worth learning to allocate all your resources wisely - it's the way to prosperity!

The first principle seems obvious. But not everyone thinks that way, there are many fears and dramas in the financial environment. And many people stop perceiving money as something that helps make them happy, and out of fear of losing their investment, they make mistakes and demand a quick return. You can test yourself right now to see if you have the mindset of a poor person by answering two questions:

• Do you insist on a quick return on your investment?

• Do you consider the risks when investing and don't get upset if you lose today because you know you'll gain more tomorrow?

So, an investor can have any number of principles: 100, 10, 6. But it is enough to have just two to start thinking like a successful person - these principles will affect all domains of life. We've got the first one figured out, but what's the second one?

2. Work is not the path to freedom.

To financial freedom. John Rockefeller, the first dollar billionaire in history, is attributed the following statement: "Poor people don't get rich because they work all the time". That's the way most people think: the more I work, the more money I'll make. And the only people who have a lot of money are those who were born rich or do something illegal.

Poor people don't see their time as a valuable resource. But an investor thinks differently, learns to spare their time, for them it is a resource. Free yourself up a resource - and take the time to explore perfectly legal ways to make a lot of money. Investment is among them. Combining a passive income and a favorite business is a dream that anyone can achieve.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about the mindset of a successful person. You don't have to break anything in yourself artificially, on the contrary: you can become happy and easily change your mindset once you feel that you deserve happiness.

Make it your guiding principle in life. You deserve to be happy!