Who will speak at the SOLARGROUP International Conference in Moscow

Who will speak at the SOLARGROUP International Conference in Moscow

At the SOLARGROUP Conference, you will learn the key and latest information about the project from the company's management and guest speakers.

Here are more details on who will be addressing the audience.

• Sergey Semyonov, General Director of SOLARGROUP. He will open the conference and talk about how the project is generally developing.

• Alexander Sudarev, Deputy General Director for Public Relations at "Sovelmash". He will report on the construction progress and what results the company has achieved recently, not only on the construction site, but also in other areas.

• Pavel Filippov, Head of Advertising and Public Relations at SOLARGROUP. He will remember the main milestones in the development of the project and together with Alexander Sudarev will answer the questions of the guests from the audience.

• Pavel Shadskiy, Commercial Director of SOLARGROUP. He will report on the development of the company at stage 18, including project funding and activity in different countries.

• Andrey Lobov, head of the "Resurs" production co-operative. He will report on the technological innovations in which the "Slavyanka" based motors are used. Some of those will be featured at the conference. He will also talk about which countries he has travelled to recently to showcase the use of the technology for vehicles.

• Andrey Lobov will be joined by the participants of the Solar Race 2023 electric vehicle race in Kazakhstan, namely, Oleg Kovalyov, Chief Engineer of the "Resurs" production cooperative, and Vladimir Popov, a tuk-tuk pilot and investor of our project. They will talk about their impressions of the race.

• Foreign speakers. Ashok Chabria, co-founder of Rap Eco Motors, and Niranjan Singhvi, Vice President of LHP Motors. They will talk about why their companies are interested in applying the "Slavyanka" technology.

• National representatives of SOLARGROUP from different countries: Gilles Weber, Birdi Gulshan Kumar, Trinh Van Long, Dimitar Dimitrov, Johann Butschbach, Ishaku Marley, Vasko Popovski, Aleksandr Manzhula. They will share information about the development of the project in their countries.

You can see and hear all these people in one place only at the SOLARGROUP International Conference once a year. Join the event and become part of our big community!