Asphalt paving and interior finishing of the "Sovelmash" D&E

Asphalt paving and interior finishing of the "Sovelmash" D&E

Engineering centre construction

In the past week, the construction of the design and engineering technology department progressed on different fronts.

Finishing layers of asphalt were paved, and a permanent fence was installed on the side of the building where the engineering networks were completed.

A wide range of work was carried out inside the D&E.

• In the office and amenity building, equipment was installed to provide access control with magnetic cards.
• Heat was supplied to the water supply systems in order to switch to the permanent heating circuit.
• The members of the commission for acceptance of heating networks were appointed under the chairmanship of Dmitriy Duyunov. The commission will start work next week.
• For the time being, heat guns are operating in the O&A to maintain the temperature required for finishing work.
• Floor screeding was completed on the second and third floors of the O&A.
• The O&A walls are being prepared for painting. The stairwell has already been painted.
• The ventilation system is almost fully mounted in the O&A building.
• Installation of the lighting fixtures is in progress.
• The cables were routed to connect power supply.
• Fire protection systems were being installed.
• The new laser unit has been assembled and its commissioning is now underway.
• Plumbing fixtures for the first floor of the O&A building and locker room lockers were delivered.

Document management

Along with that, the specialists were working hard to prepare the documents for the application to obtain the statement on the completion of construction.

Preparations for production of angle grinders

Equipment and materials were packed for shipping from China to "Sovelmash". One container is fully packed with components for the angle grinder.

We remind you that the first round of the SOLARGROUP lottery is underway aiming to accelerate the project funding. By investing in October, you get cashback and the opportunity to increase your share in the project by 2.5 times, as well as win an electric car and electric motorcycle.