Connecting the heat supply and finishing of the "Sovelmash" D&E

Connecting the heat supply and finishing of the "Sovelmash" D&E

It's not been that long since the foreign delegations visited the site, but a lot of changes have taken place at the construction site over this period.

• The utilities for telemetry, low-voltage networks, etc. have been completed. Piping and welding work in the building is in progress.
• The pipes are being installed at the rear of the building, through which ethylene glycol will be distributed for correct operation of the air conditioning system. The number of pipes installed and fitted is increasing with each passing day.
• The heat pipeline has been installed, routed into the building and is pressurized. The documents necessary to officially launch the heating pipeline operation will be signed the other day, which is another step taken to ensure that the central heating system starts functioning in winter.
• A section of the heating pipeline is being prepared for asphalt paving.
• In the near future, drilling of a pit will begin in order to further connect the storm water drainage system to the networks of the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow".
• Finishing work is being carried out in the O&A building. The chief engineer's office is getting a finished look, with the tiling already completed and the ceiling painted.

To learn more about the control room, checkpoint and more, watch the new video from the site.

Now everyone has the opportunity to support the project and build their own secured assets. To do so, take advantage of the beneficial terms of the "Thank You" offer that we have extended for you.