The reasons why the project "Duyunov's motors" has been chosen for crowdfunding

The reasons why the project "Duyunov's motors" has been chosen for crowdfunding

The development of the modern world and our future is determined by science and technology. The scope of scientific research and technological developments is growing with every year. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), more than 3 million new patent applications were submitted worldwide in 2020. Why is SOLARGROUP engaged in financing the project "Duyunov's motors" in the context of such an abundance of innovations? Because it meets the project selection criteria the company goes by.

Proven technology

In 1995, the Soviet development engineer Dmitriy Alexandrovich Duyunov made a breakthrough discovery in electromechanics. He developed and patented the combined winding principle that is applicable for electric motors of different sizes, and named it "Slavyanka".

In the following years, together with his team, using his own funds, Dmitriy Duyunov honed the technology both theoretically and in practice. "Slavyanka" was successfully used on thousands of motors. The research and practical application proved that combined winding motors are much more efficient and reliable than their induction-type rivals, they consume less energy and are much more cost-effective.

By the start of the project crowdfunding in 2017, Duyunov's team, being part of the ASPP company, had been engaged in the commercialization of the "Slavyanka" technology for years. Under the company's license, hundreds of licensed winders rewound electric motors by replacing traditional winding type with combined winding.

Comprehensible business

Only when "Slavyanka" had established itself, and there were a lot of potential customers, Dmitriy Duyunov started implementing a more ambitious goal: commercialization of the technology within the framework of "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department (D3333E), where the world's best electric motors will be developed to meet the needs of customers. The construction of the enterprise required funding.

Duyunov's project has a clear goal and a plan to achieve it. It has very great prospects: only 2-3 orders for motor development can pay off all the costs of creating the D3333E. Using the advantages of the "Slavyanka" technology and their own expertise, "Sovelmash" will offer its customers a unique product that no other company in the world can offer. Not for nothing are there already a number of preliminary cooperation agreements between "Sovelmash" and the future customers.

The team

Dmitriy Duyunov did not want to apply for a bank loan to get the project funding, neither did he intend to give the majority stake of the enterprise to a large investor. Therefore, he made a bold and unconventional decision in the Russian reality: to use crowdfunding for the D3333E construction. But the courage alone would not be enough to implement the project, so his team developed a clear and well-thought-out business plan and started to implement it.

Environmental friendliness and large scale

The widespread use of combined winding electric motors can dramatically improve the environmental situation in the world.
- The energy efficiency of the motors will ensure huge electricity saving.
- The consumption of electrical steel required for the production of motors will reduce.
- The number of machinery landfills will reduce due to the high reliability and long service life of the motors.
- The level of noise and vibration from the motor operation will be reduced.
- After replacing transport diesel engines with combined winding motors, the air in big cities will become much cleaner.

Given the severity of environmental issues, it is obvious that the development of motors with "Slavyanka" is a high-demand project that has already won wide support in the world and is capable of becoming a large-scale business.

After getting acquainted with Duyunov, his technology and business plan, SOLARGROUP had no doubts about the success of the business project. After SOLARGROUP had started its part of the project work — attracting investments by means of crowdinvesting - Duyunov's team began to implement the tasks outlined in the project.

Within the first 3 years of the project's life, thanks to the funding received and the professionalism of the team, modern equipment has been purchased and put into operation, the world's first combined winding motor has been created and the construction of D3333E has started in the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow".

The project "Duyunov's motors" has completed more than three-quarters of the planned funding stages. Its creators look to the future and think about new projects based on the current one after its implementation.

The team of SOLARGROUP, in their turn, continue to work on searching for and choosing innovations that are no less promising commercially and just as useful for the planet as "Slavyanka". This process requires a careful and painstaking approach — the standards are truly high.