Project guide: what are investment shares?

Project guide: what are investment shares?

Investors in the project "Duyunov's motors" buy investment shares formed into investment packages for their convenience in the back office of SOLARGROUP. Today we are presenting key information about the shares.

An investment share in the project is that of SOLARGROUP.

SOLARGROUP is a co-founder of OOO "Sovelmash" and owns 49% of the enterpise. Therefore, the holders of investment shares become co-owners of "Sovelmash" proportionally to the volume of their investment in the project. The more investment shares you have, the greater your share in "Sovelmash".

Upon completion of the project funding, OOO "Sovelmash" will be transformed into a PJSC and the investment shares will be exchanged for shares in the enterprise. Investors will become shareholders and will be able to earn income either in dividends from the company's performance or from selling their shares.

How much does an investment share cost?

It depends on a number of factors.

First, it depends on what stage of project funding you buy shares at. The closer the project is to completion, the lower the risks for investors and the lower the discount on shares. For example, now, at stage 18 of the 20 planned ones, the shares are on average 5 times more expensive than at stage 1. The share price is fixed for the entire period that you pay for a package of shares in installments. You can also subscribe to a permanent discount - it's convenient and profitable. Find out more by clicking here.

Second, the price of shares depends on the nominal value of an investment package. The more expensive the package, the lower the price of one share in it.

Third, it matters whether you pay for the entire package in a lump-sum payment or not. The share is cheaper if you buy a package in a lump sum. If you buy a package in installments and stop repaying it, you will get less than half of the shares in the package, which means that the price per share will be very high.

How can one register the shares as property?

In order to have your shares documented as your property, you need to get verified in the back office. Once you have paid for your shares, you can register them as your property by clicking on the "Register" button on the Home page of the back office. An electronic certificate for the repaid investment shares will then be generated. You can also order a hard copy version of the certificate under "Profile" - "Documents" - "Delivery".

Buying investment shares in the project "Duyunov's motors" is an investment in the innovative engineering enterprise "Sovelmash". This will allow you to multiply your capital and provide yourself with an income in a few years' time.