Crowdinvesting is gaining popularity in the world

Crowdinvesting is gaining popularity in the world

The world is changing and becoming more open. Artificial borders are being erased, new opportunities are emerging, outdated forms of interaction between people are disappearing. 
In recent decades, it has become obvious that by joining forces, it is possible to achieve goals faster. People hold flash mobs, charity fundraisers, sign petitions, and jointly launch projects. And new names are assigned to these phenomena: crowdsourcing, crowdvoting, crowdfunding, crowdrecruiting, crowdinvesting. 
Any phenomenon whose name begins with the word "crowd" means that you are invited to participate, that you can influence something. 
Crowdinvesting (collective investments) is a tool by which the funds of micro investors are attracted to launch a project or enterprise. In Russia, for a long time this phenomenon was not considered separately from crowdfunding. However, they have a significant difference: crowdfunding is a non-repayable fundraiser, while in crowdinvesting, contributors receive their share of the profits when a project/company/enterprise begins to generate them. 
Anyone, even if they consider themselves a stranger to crowdinvesting, has participated in collective fundraising. Schools raise money for collective needs, utilities force everyone to participate in projects like "new door", "playground", "elevator", mysterious "overhaul" or something else. 
But crowdinvesting itself originated in Australia after all. The first crowdinvesting platform appeared there in 2004. Over the following years, this instrument was praised in Europe and all over the world. In 2012, for example, the first crowdinvesting platform for stocks was launched in the UK. In the same year, Barack Obama signed a document allowing ordinary residents of the United States to invest, not only professional investors. 
In Russia, in 2020, a federal law regulating relations between investors and business founders came into force – the "Law on Crowdinvesting". And now the people who invest in projects have become even better protected. 
Crowdinvesting companies or platforms are responsible for the selection and reliability of the project people invest in by means of crowdinvesting. They also take care of the legal side of the issue and are responsible for the payment of remuneration. Some companies, such as SOLARGROUP, also provide informational promotion of projects and popularization of scientific and technological developments that benefit the environment. This facilitates the work of investors, makes investments accessible to anyone at any level, and makes the idea attractive.
Everyone knows the stories of visionary investors who invested in Amazon, Apple, WhatsApp in good time and now have excellent passive income. Many people want to repeat this success. But promising projects that offer global benefits don't come along very often. Scientific and technological projects like "Duyunov's motors" are rare. And crowdinvesting allows everyone to take advantage of this opportunity, almost without risk. 
Crowdinvesting has advantages that distinguish the phenomenon from other forms of investment:
•  unlimited profit in the future: the project can bring much more than the investor expected when investing;
•  low entry threshold: no large amounts are needed for investments and future profits;
•  lack of bureaucracy: everything happens online - investment agreement, investments, payments;
•  ease of financial transactions: you can use any payment system in any currency. 
Crowdinvesting is becoming an independent financial instrument and has great prospects, since it fully meets the modern needs of people in combining resources and efforts to achieve universal well-being. But the main thing is that it gives people the opportunity to influence their future and decide for themselves how they want to see it.