How will the "Sovelmash" D&E earn money and you together with it?

How will the "Sovelmash" D&E earn money and you together with it?

Do you want to make an informed decision on whether to invest in "Sovelmash"? So it is important for you to understand how the enterprise you may become a part-owner of will generate income.

"Sovelmash" D&E services

The "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department will develop electric motors using the innovative patented "Slavyanka" combined winding technology. The development will be tailored to meet the customer's needs.

It includes several main stages:

• drawing up the terms of reference to meet the customer's needs,
• designing electric motors,
• carrying out the necessary tests in the laboratory,
• production of pilot batches of motors,
• demonstration of the capacity to mass produce motors
• and dealing with many other tasks.
In addition to direct motor development, "Sovelmash" will provide the services of production setup. That is, setting up mass production of motors at the customer company's facilities. After that, the customer will be able to independently produce electric motors designed for them.

As you can see, the services of developing and putting into production an innovative product are complex and multi-stage, and therefore expensive. The company will be able to handle up to three orders per year, depending on the degree of complexity.

Who are the future "Sovelmash" customers?

First of all, those companies that produce induction electric motors or equipment with them and want to have a robust competitive edge in the market. The "Sovelmash" D&E will be able to develop motors for most applications: housing and utilities, industry, transport, medicine and others. Therefore, the range of the company's potential customers is very wide.

Why are the services offered by "Sovelmash" in demand?

Every major manufacturer wants its motors or equipment to have an edge over the competitors. "Sovelmash" offers motors that consume up to 40% less energy and are more powerful and reliable than their counterparts. At the same time, their production requires 30 % less material. The demand for these motors is growing rapidly.

The world's largest electric motor market, China, has come to appreciate the combined winding technology. China is already producing "Slavyanka" based vehicles. In 2022, "Sovelmash" began to set up mass production of power tools with an in-house designed drive.

The company holds negotiations with potential customers on an almost daily basis. Preliminary agreements on cooperation have already been reached, the information about them can't be disclosed due to commercial confidentiality. It remains to complete the D&E construction to start taking orders. The facility is scheduled to be completed in the 3rd quarter of this year.

After that, investors in the project will be able to get dividends from the company's profits or earn income from the sale of their shares.

Decide whether you want to become a co-owner of "Sovelmash" or increase your share in the company. We remind you that the earlier you invest, the more profitable it is for you, because the price of investment shares is going up. Compared to the start of the project in 2017, it has increased more than fivefold.