Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

Last week, "Sovelmash" moved into a new stage of the project implementation thanks to a number of events.

• The design and engineering technology department was assigned a postal address by the order of the Moscow City Property Department. This is a milestone event. It will make it possible to start entering into contracts for the permanent supply of energy resources.
• Dmitriy Duyunov reported that the company's accounts now hold the funding necessary to perform construction activities in accordance with the estimates. To get the certificate of construction completion, they need to be finalized and the inspection is to be carried out again.
• The deadline for obtaining the certificate of construction completion has been extended to December 31, 2024. The previous deadline was June 30. The extension gives a cushion of time for issuing the construction completion certificate.

Thanks to the high rate of investment engagement, the construction work was in full swing.

• The first layer of asphalt was installed. There will be a total of three layers.
• Dry cooling tower fencing was installed.
• The installation of the noise shield started, with several foundations and supports already in place.
• The installation of ventilation and some other utilities is being finalized, as well as the final interior finishing on the upper floors of the D&E.

"Sovelmash" developments

Work continued on the parts for the "Moth" quadcopter frame as well as on other developments.


The opportunity to file a request for getting the company's shares was made available to all investors from Russia. Previously, the feature was available in the back office only to Club 100 and Club 1000 members. Thanks to the feedback, we tested and improved it. The next stage is a large-scale launch for all investors in the project.

Current offers

Let us remind you of the offers that will increase your benefits from investing in the project.5% discount on payments of $ 100 or more for early repayment up to and including July 31.

The opportunity to restore installment plans cancelled in 2019 up to and including June 30.

Friendly promo code for 10% of bonus shares when buying a new package until the end of stage 19.

Information about all the offers in the project is available in the back office.

Use and invest with maximum profit!