Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Every day brings tangible changes to the "Sovelmash" construction site.

The most notable of them are the introduction of temporary water supply into the building and the connection of a drain to the sanitary sewer. And that means that the first toilet is now functional in the D&E.

Another engineering network - the Internet - is being put into operation step by step. In some premises, the connection is already quite high-speed.

At the site next to the D&E, near the cargo ramp, the construction workers made a bedding for the asphalt using sand, geotextile and crushed stone.

Work was also underway on the heating network, low-voltage networks were being installed, and excavation and finishing operations continued.

The first samples of body parts for the 230/2600 angle grinder were cast on the "Sovelmash" tooling in China. Victor Arestov, General Director of ASPP Weihai Technology and partner of the project, deserves a great deal of credit for this. This is how "Sovelmash" is approaching its own mass production of the angle grinder (UShM).

On July 4, the tuk-tuk powered by a "Slavyanka" motor came fourth in Solar Race 2023. The vehicle covered 2,675 kilometres across the expanses of Kazakhstan in 24 days, using only the energy of the sun. Our team represented by pilot Vladimir Popov and engineer Oleg Kovalyov had to overcome a lot of unexpected difficulties right on the way. But the combined winding motor performed to the best of its ability and never failed the team.

We kept a video diary of the journey completed by the tuk-tuk. It can be found on the "Duyunov's motors" YouTube channel.

On July 8, SOLARGROUP opened its office in the city of Gagnoa, the second in Côte d'Ivoire and the ninth in the world. It will host presentations of the project for new participants and meetings for investors and partners. The opening was attended by the company's national partner in Côte d'Ivoire Gilles Weber, vice national partner Pacome Mea and other leading partners. We'll share more details about the past event in a few days.

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