Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

At the "Sovelmash" construction site, the work was underway during the week in a number of areas.

• The construction workers poured concrete for the last "map" of the first-level floor in the "Sovelmash" D&E. The floor is almost ready, the only thing left is to cut the expansion joints and do tiling in certain places.
• The loading ramp was cast in concrete.
• Building the site for the ventilation equipment and air conditioning systems, which will be located on the right side of the building, was in progress.
• On the second floor of the office and amenity building, the installation of the interior partition frames continued.
• On the third floor, the builders began assembling the airlock.

A video report from the construction site is available here.

SOLARGROUP conferences

SOLARGROUP continues its tour of conferences in different countries. Three events were held in Vietnam and Indonesia.

You can see what the last conference in Surabaya was like by clicking here.

Now preparations are underway for the upcoming conferences in Europe:

November 5
- Bulgaria, Sofia,

November 12 - North Macedonia, Skopje (opening a national representative office).

The event details and registration are available in the "Events" - "Meetings" section of the back office, by following the link.

Back office updates

We've updated the conditions and interface of the "Gift to a Friend" option. Now for each friend invited to the project you will be credited $ 5 to your partner account. We'll give 100 investment shares to your friend. You can send 50 invitations with a gift per month and get up to $ 250 credited to your partner account.

Learn more about "Gift to a Friend" by clicking here.