Take advantage of the beneficial conditions while they are available

Take advantage of the beneficial conditions while they are available

The most large-scale offer in the history of the project "Duyunov's offer" - "Thank You" for all investors - is coming to an end. It helped attract record amounts of investment, accelerated the "Sovelmash" D&E construction and yielded many bonuses for all those who made use of it.

September 30 is the last day when you can get up to 105% extra shares for buying or upsizing any investment package, including fully repaid ones.

The following is also available to you as part of the offer:

• bonus shares for early repayment of installment plans,
• opportunity to restore the installment plan in one monthly payment with a refund of all bonuses lost after cancellation.

If you invest in the project for the first time, we give you $ 25 for the first investment, as well as a discount of stage 17, more profitable than the current discount of stage 18.

If you haven't had a chance to explore the detailed terms and conditions of the offer yet, they can be found here.

Or go to the main page of the back office that displays all the terms and conditions available to you.

Hurry up to take advantage of them, support the "Sovelmash" D&E construction and get the maximum benefits from your investments!