I am proud of my participation in the project | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Issa Basse Orou Toure

I am proud of my participation in the project | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Issa Basse Orou Toure

My name's Issa Basse Orou Toure. I am from Parakou, Benin. I have a bachelor's degree in science. I work as a police officer.

The income of a police officer is 127,000 CFA francs. This is barely enough to meet the needs of the family.

In 2020, I learnt about SOLARGROUP through a fellow police officer. I was convinced that this was a serious and promising company, as its activities were aimed at creating a new generation of electric motors. Electric motors are already changing the global market. The company is steadily moving towards its goal. It has representatives around the world. The worst circumstances like the COVID-19 pandemic or political conflicts failed to shut down this wonderful project!

I have had meetings with national partners, including Gilles Weber, he is just relentless!

In 2020, I signed the partnership agreement with SOLARGROUP. And I was very glad. Back in the day, I didn't have the opportunity to be at the forefront of Facebook, Amazon, Google, bitcoin partners. But now I am becoming one of them, being at the forefront of the project "Duyunov's motors". Many of my friends have joined the project under my guidance!

My primary goal is to protect nature and eventually abandon the use of engines that emit toxic gases. Besides, I am striving for financial independence.

By telling everyone about SOLARGROUP, I have learnt how to coach others. I have developed skills in the field of marketing. My first achievements are that many customers have started investing. This is something I've achieved by hosting webinars.

I continue to post the company's accomplishments. From the very beginning until now, I have also been working with local company reps and incorporating their webinars into my agenda.

The difficulties of partner business in my country boil down to the low purchasing power of the population and lack of knowledge of the types of projects. I've heard many words of despondency from potential customers! These challenges have taught me to be persistent.

I like the word of mouth principle and network marketing that helps others grow. I was helped by my mentor Finagnon Jacques Kiki, with verification among other things. And now I help people.

I am now aiming to achieve the "Master" status and represent future products in Africa!

I am inspired by the cordial teamwork atmosphere. This project is a path to financial freedom for me, I love it, I am proud to be a part of it.

I would like to thank the company and the team for their leadership and mentorship. I am also grateful to my partners who keep investing in the project.