Money and environment

Money and environment

Annual opinion polls show that it is not profitable to stay away from ecological processes. From 70 to 90% of consumers choose brands with a green philosophy. Corporations are offering more and more green initiatives to customers, and researchers are grappling with the question if the green trend is social responsibility or marketing.

It's both. So far, 26 UN conferences on climate change have been held. Each of them led to positive decisions in the so-called big business, the main consumer of non-renewable resources. The fight to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, abandoning plastic, fighting global ocean pollution, and recycling have become a trend. It's a social responsibility. According to public opinion polls, consumers have become willing to pay more for goods and services that are not harmful to the environment. And that's marketing.

The best solution in this context are projects that initially offer participants both to support the environmental initiative and to earn profit from it. So, "Duyunov's motors" offers its investors to support the introduction of a technology that can reduce electricity consumption in the world, and become co-owners of the company with a dividend income in the future. Besides, anyone can become a partner of SOLARGROUP, provide informational support to the project and receive a referral remuneration for it. That is, to make money on the environmental initiative now.

The advantage of such companies as SOLARGROUP, that organize funding and informational support for environmentally significant projects, is that caring about the environment is combined with caring about people. The company's mission is to preserve the planet by supporting innovative technologies and ensuring the financial well-being of all the project participants. This corresponds to another global trend of the last decade - creating new business models with developed ecosystems and altruistic ideas.

This is how modern companies make the impossible possible. Until yesterday, business was the main reason for destroying non-renewable natural resources and was incapable of abandoning aggressive marketing. And today it has become profitable for business to make up for the damage to the environment, and to build marketing communications on the principles of tolerance.

Stay on trend, be with us! And don't forget to share this opportunity with others.