Andrey Lobov: the wonders of the vehicles with the combined winding "Slavyanka" motors

Andrey Lobov: the wonders of the vehicles with the combined winding "Slavyanka" motors

The camera crew of the project "Duyunov's motors" visited Obninsk.
This is a city where Andrey Lobov lives and works, who is the leading project partner demonstrating the opportunities of vehicles with the electric motors based on the combined winding "Slavyanka". Two recent developments of Lobov and his team are the "Emelya's sled" and quadrunner with DA-90S motors. We have already told you about them earlier. Today you will learn more details about the operation of the vehicles firsthand and see them in action.

Both vehicles are being used for rental services in the Obninsk park "Etnomir" under heavy load. For instance, the outer casing and shock absorbers of the sled need to be regularly replaced - they quickly wear off. But the motor performance is faultless! Being used at the highest speed and the temperature of 38 degrees, the motor heated up to 72 degrees after several hours of riding the vehicle. Thanks to the motor power, the sled could ride up to 15 people at once.

There are a lot of people who want to take a ride on the wonder sled. The foreigners are especially thrilled about it. For example, the ambassador of Uganda asked for the same model of sled to be delivered for him to Africa.

The quadrunner had to be removed from "Etnomir" for some time in order to demonstrate the power of the motor: in the park there are strict speed limitations. A seemingly regular quadrunner is impressing the locals with its high speed and quiet motor operation. The developers of this vehicle point it out that unlike a petrol motor prone to breaking down regularly, this motor requires no repair at all.

Every owner of a motorcycle or quadrunner can experience all the advantages of the combined winding motor by equipping their vehicle with it.
The DA-90S motor is mass produced by the company ASPP Weihai in China under the licence issued by "AS and PP" and is available for purchasing from ASPP itslef - , the official distributor — the company Motorized Systems - and the leading project partner Andrey Lobov -