Technologies, ecology, future: what was discussed at the International conference "Duyunov's motors" in Moscow

Technologies, ecology, future: what was discussed at the International conference "Duyunov's motors" in Moscow

The main part of the event was full of inspiring speeches made by the speakers. The project's top officials, its leading engineers and national partners were all on stage.

The very first speech filled the guests with positive energy and pride in the project. The head of the public relations department Pavel Filippov presented the main achievements of the last months and stage 10. There are a lot of them: from the preparation for construction of "SovElMash" innovative centre to certifying the laboratory. The audience reacted with a storm of applause to the announcement of the first completed developement by "SovElMash": the motor of energy efficiency class IE3 in class IE1 frame. In the show room all the conference guests were able to see the motor that has no rivals in the world. Soon it will undergo certification.

The subject of laboratory testing was continued by the leading engineer of "SovElMash" Yana Teplova. She explained why the project needed its own certification procedure, how it had been created and was being implemented. The colleague of Yana Teplova, the leading engineer Igor Korkhov communicated with the participants answering their questions in the course of the conference.

The project partners also took the floor. The first one to greet the conference participants was Dmitriy Kundyvus, the head manager of the project BLOCK CRS A.S., the company that will construct the innovative centre of "SovElMash". He thanked the investors for the trust they had put in his company.

A lot was said about the prospects of the "Slavyanka" technology. The audience was impressed by the speech of Victor Arestov, the head of ASPP Weihai Technology, the person whose contribution to popularizing the technology worldwide is indispensable. Via videoconference from China he told about the future projects in India and Thailand. The governments of these countries support in all possible ways the projects aimed at improving the ecology in large cities, saving energy and are implementing transport powered by solar panels. Victor Arestov and his company will soon equip the local tuk-tuks with the motors modernized using the "Slavyanka" technology.

Another leading project partner Andrey Lobov presented his speech to the conference guests via videoconference from Obninsk, "Etnomir" park where at that time there the International festival was being held. He gladly shared with the audience the fact that for the last few months the most popular entertainment in the park was riding the motor sled with a DA-90S motor. This development authored by Andrey Lobov is equally popular with both the Russian and foreign visitors, everyone is interested in the wonder motor and a lot of the visitors want to use it in their cities.

One more speaker, the president of the electric transport and renewable energy club Alexander Serezhkin noted a big potential of Duyunov's technology because it can meet the key demands of the consumer in terms of saving the charge and motor reliability. He also made an argumentative statement claiming that the future electric transport would use the hub motor as the main drive, which was accepted approvingly by the audience.

In the second part of the event the members of the company SOLARGROUP took the floor, specifically people who are working on promoting the project and attracting investments into it.
Sergey Semenov, the head of SOLARGROUP told about the goals and values of the company emphasizing the achievements within the framework of the project "Duyunov's motors".

Pavel Shadskiy, the head of SOLARGROUP partner network development department presented the program for the national representative offices that had been launched in June 2019. Thanks to the efforts of the national partners, the project got a powerful impetus for development in different world countries, for the last half a year the number of foreign investors has considerably increased (up to 50% from the total number). At stage 10 the national representative offices have been opened in 3 world countries (France, Côte d'Ivoire, Germany), one more will have been opened by the end of stage 10 - in Bulgaria. At stage 11 five more countries will join us: Vietnam, India, Croatia, Italy, Hungary.

The conference gathered the national partners from all the countries where there is an operating representative office or it is planned to open one there. And all of them made their speeches for the audience. The keynote of their speeches was ecology.
The group of our partners from India heаded by the leader Gulshan Kumar Birdi emphasized that the issue of air pollution is very acute in their country. The Indians expressed hope that the technology from Russia would help India literally breathe more freely..

Other national partners also expressed their concern with the environmental issues: Ivan Butchbach from Germany, Dimitr Dimitrov from Bulgaria. All of them participate in the project not only for making financial benefit but to make their contribution to the health of the future generations.

The project leader in France and Côte d'Ivoire Gilles Weber finished the series of speeches on a very happy note! He spoke about the partnership and wonderful prospects of making profit. His passionate speech contained no facts or figures but it encouraged the audience for further activity on attracting investments into the project.

With their speeches and personal examples from real life, the speakers graphically demonstrated how much a team of enthusiasts united by a common idea could achieve.

Goin the team of the breakthrough international startup "Duyunov's motors"! And participate in the forthcoming project conferences and events.