Find out if you've won a motorcycle

Find out if you've won a motorcycle

Today we are summing up the results of round one in the SOLARGROUP lottery that took place in October. We remind you that you received 1 coupon for every $ 100 in investments. We raffled off 50 prizes between all the coupons.

The video of the raffle is available on the lottery's landing page.

The entire list of the lottery's participants is present both on the landing page and in the "Lottery" section of the back office.

Congratulations to the winners! The prize shares have already been credited to you in the back office. You also qualify for the final round of the lottery where the grand prize - an electric car - will be raffled off.

The 100 most active investors of October, namely those who collected the biggest number of coupons, also made it to the finals. If you're among them, you must have already received notification of this in the back office and via email.

But our lottery doesn't end here. Round two has already started and will run throughout November. That means you have just as much chance of winning prizes as the first round winners.

Participate more actively to accelerate the project funding and increase your chances of winning!