Multitask like Caesar: TOP 11 books on time management

Multitask like Caesar: TOP 11 books on time management

Do you spend a lot of time in social media or get distracted by reading the news? Feel like working progressively less often? Start the fight against procrastination today, because time is way too valuable a resource that can't be replaced. We offer you the best books that will help you regain motivation and work efficiency:

1. "The Pomodoro Technique. The Acclaimed Time-Management System That Has Transformed How We Work" by Francesco Cirillo. When there are too many things to be done at one moment, we lose our bearings not knowing what to focus on. As a result, we feel stress and panic and are fit for nothing. To systematize a lot of tasks, set up for productive activity and get everything done on time, use the "Pomodoro Technique" that was invented by an Italian student Francesco Cirillo. In this book, you will learn how an ordinary kitchen timer can significantly increase your work efficiency and academic performance.

2. "The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results" by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Most often, we do not achieve our goals because our energy is dissipated on several things at once. The secret to the success of any project is to focus on just one task at a time. The book by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan will help you identify the key area of activity and stop paying attention to distractions.

3. "Making Work Visible. Exposing Time Theft to Optimize Work 3333 Flow" by Dominica DeGrandis. No matter how hard you try, another day is spent in vain, and your productivity remains zero? Visualize your goal and get rid of the "time thieves" using the recommendations of Dominica DeGrandis – one of the most famous Kanban experts in the field of IT. In her book, the author shares her experience of optimizing the workflow using the Kanban method invented by Toyota managers, and also tells how to win the respect of your colleagues and management.

4. «Self-Discipline: Personal Growth" by Michael Wilson. This practical guide will help readers kick bad habits that destroy time and use every minute with 100 % efficiency. If you want to achieve your goals, get rid of laziness and fear of difficult tasks, give up bad habits and learn useful self-organization skills, then this book is for you!

5. "Focus: Achieving Your Highest Priorities" by Stephen Covey and Steve Johnson. Living under constant time pressure leads to stress, eternal rush and inability to relax. You can change the course of things if you clearly define your priority goals and plan your time. Simple recommendations from Stephen Covey and Steve Johnson will help you sort your to-do list by importance, stop dissipating your energy over small things and forget about the deadline pressure at home and at work.

6. "The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right" by Atul Gawande. Sometimes serious problems arise out of banal forgetfulness and sluggishness. In important matters, do not rely only on your memory, because it can fail you! Use checklists to easily complete tasks, avoid stupid mistakes and organize your work. Atul Gawande's book will tell you everything about checklists and thus improve your business life forever.

7. "The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future" by Ryder Carroll. A simple daily planner greatly simplifies the organization of the work process, helps you remember a lot of things and thoughts, and also shapes useful skills and habits. This is a great way to "unload" your thoughts, freeing yourself from unnecessary emotions. Ryder Carroll's book will teach you how to take productive notes and make lists to get the most out of them.

8. "Positive Time Management. How to Manage to Be Happy" by Maria Heinz. In pursuit of a dream, a lot of businessmen lose their sense of joy. This book will tell you how to become a successful and happy person. The author of the book, Maria Heinz, suggests planning tasks for the day by taking into account the mood, current life priorities and desires. Thanks to positive time management, you will not only achieve your goals, but also learn to live with a sense of harmony.

9. "Not Doing: The Art of Effortless Action" by Diana Renner and Steven D'Souza. Multitasking and deadlines are exhausting, they dull perception, and make it impossible to exercise your talents and be creative. To reset your brain and rethink your activity, you just need to pause and allow yourself to do nothing. The authors of this book share insights about how rest and relaxation can help you win the battle for efficiency and great results.

10. "When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing" by Daniel Pink. A person's productivity largely depends on the time of day and their personal daily routine. How do you determine your personal time of maximum performance and make an optimal schedule of work and rest? How does the solar day affect all of this? The answers to these questions are provided in Daniel Pink's book: after reading it, you will learn how to effectively manage your time without losing a single extra minute.

11. "The 8 Minute Organizer: Easy Solutions to Simplify Your Life in Your Spare Time" by Regina Leeds. Time management plays an important role not only in the office, but also at home. After all, everyday home routine takes a huge amount of time, and mess at home leads to chaos in your thoughts, which certainly affects the quality of work. Regina Leeds offers readers an original method of maintaining order in the house: in just 8 minutes a day, your home will be transformed, freeing up time for more important tasks.