Hurry up to upsize your current installment plan!

Hurry up to upsize your current installment plan!

It's a springtime tradition to get rid of the unnecessary to make room for the new and the better. Here we are as we continue to reduce the number of offers available in the project.

On April 1, we withdrew the opportunity to upsize a repaid package.

On May 1, we cancel the opportunity to upsize currently outstanding investment packages! So if you're repaying an installment plan, you can upsize it only in April.

What does upsizing a package give you?

• The opportunity to buy shares at a discount of the package you want to upsize. This is particularly beneficial if your installment plan was issued earlier than the current funding stage 19.
• The opportunity to increase your share in the company in a shorter period of time than when buying a new package. After all, part of the upsized package has already been repaid under your current installment plan. Indeed, repaying a 5-month installment plan is psychologically less stressful than repaying a 10-month installment plan.
• As the package increases, the number of bonus shares under the offers applicable to the package will also increase. Because the bonus percentage will be calculated based on a larger number of shares.

You can upsize your package anytime in April.

• Choose the installment plan you're currently repaying here. And click on "Upsize a package."
• Choose the package denomination you want to upsize your current package to. By clicking on it, you will be able to see how many shares will be added to your current package, as well as the amount and schedule of monthly payments.
• Deposit the amount required for the increase if necessary.

Hurry up and take advantage of the opportunity that will soon be withdrawn for good!