The unique drone has been sent to a trade show

The unique drone has been sent to a trade show

The International Military and Technology Forum (IMTF) "Army-2024" starts in a few days. "Sovelmash" will showcase its developments based on the "Slavyanka" technology. The heavy unmanned drone "Moth" is taking center stage. This is the world's first quadcopter powered by induction motors! It can be used for transportation of various cargos.

Each of the four propeller motors is powered by a size 318 hub motor. The maximum motor power is 60 kW and the weight is about 24 kg.

The drone was manufactured at the "Sovelmash" D&E from domestic components, except for the controllers and batteries. In the future, the development will use only Russian components. The company has all the necessary expertise, capacities and resources for this.

Before sending the quadcopter to the IMTF, "Sovelmash" had carried out intermediate testing of the aircraft.

The drone was then transported to the forum venue.

The "Army-2024" IMTF will be held from August 12 to August 14 in the Congress and Exhibition Center "Patriot" in the Moscow region.

For more details, please visit the official website of the forum.

The "Sovelmash" booth will be located in Hall D, number 4B1. Apart from the "Moth" quadcopter, the company will showcase some of its other developments. Information about "Sovelmash" can be found in the directory on the forum website.

A news article about the quadcopter was published in the online district newspaper of Zelenograd. You can read it by clicking here.

This is the second time that "Sovelmash" has participated in the "Army" Forum. The company presented its developments for the first time in 2022 and was immediately ranked among the best participants, according to the organizers and the media.

We'll be updating you in detail about the upcoming big event. Stay tuned for more news!