Business 24 TV channel reported on the project "Duyunov's motors"

Business 24 TV channel reported on the project "Duyunov's motors"

The "Slavyanka" technology and the project "Duyunov's motors" are being referenced more and more often in various media outlets. Business 24, a channel that covers business and economic news in Côte d'Ivoire, recently aired its first report on the project

The report focused on the SOLARGROUP conference held in San Pedro at the end of January. The content was prepared with the assistance of the leading partner Danhosse Appollinaire Diagou.

The report was aired about 10 times in several days. The audience learned about the "Slavyanka" technology and the companies implementing the project. They heard the feedback from investors and partners. 

Media attention is a big breakthrough in promoting the project in Africa! 

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